Paste integrale cu sos de lamaie si burrata este genul de fel principal la care apelezi atunci cand esti in criza de timp dar iti doresti o masa gata in maxim 20 de minute, cu un efort minim. Fabulos de simple, cu un sos de lamaie fin, aromat indraznet cu putin usturoi si asociate cu burrata cremoasa si parmezan cu busuioc, aceasta reteta va garanta cina perfecta.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 320 grame paste integrale / 320 grams wholemeal pasta
- 300 grame branza burrata / 300 grams burrata cheese
- Sucul de la 1 lamaie / Juice from1 lemon
- 100 grame parmezan / 100 grams parmesan
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
- 2 lingurite capere / 2 teaspoons capers
- 80 grame unt / 80 grams butter
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 6 frunze de busuioc / 6 basil leaves
- Sare / Salt
Fierbem pastele in apa cu sare cu respectarea timpului de preparare mentionat pe ambalaj. Cand pastele sunt gatite al dente, le scurgem, pastrand 200 ml de apa in care acestea au fiert.
Intre timp, mixam intr-un blender parmezanul cu 4 frunze de busuioc si pregatim sosul. Intr-o tigaie topim untul si calim usturoiul si caperele tocate marunt timp de 30 de secunde. Adaugam sucul de lamaie si gatim la foc mic timp de 5 minute.
Adaugam smantana dulce, pastele si apa in care acestea au fiert. Continuam sa mai gatim timp de 2 minute la foc mic, adaugam jumatate din cantitatea de parmezan si impartim pastele in 4 farfurii.
Asezam deasupra burrata rupta in bucati mari, presaram cu restul de parmezan si decoram cu frunze de busuioc proaspat si felii de lamaie. Servim pastele fierbinti alaturi de un pahar cu vin alb.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Paste integrale cu sos de lamaie si burrata, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Wholemeal Pasta with Lemon Sauce and Burrata
Wholemeal pasta with lemon sauce and buratta is the kind of main dish that you choose when you’re out of time but want a meal ready in a maximum of 20 minutes, with minimal effort. Fabulously simple, with a fine lemon sauce, flavored with a little garlic and paired with creamy burrata and parmesan cheese with basil, this recipe will guarantee the perfect dinner.
Boil the pasta in salted water, respecting the preparation time mentioned on the package. When the pasta is cooked al dente, drain it, keeping 200 ml of the water in which it was cooked.
Meanwhile, mix the parmesan with 4 basil leaves in a blender and prepare the sauce. Melt the butter in a pan and saute the garlic and finely chopped capers for 30 seconds. Add the lemon juice and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
Add the double cream, pasta and the water in which they boiled. Continue to cook for another 2 minutes on low heat, add half the amount of parmesan cheese and divide the pasta into 4 plates.
Place the burrata torn into large pieces on top, sprinkle with the remaining Parmesan cheese and decorate with fresh basil leaves and lemon slices. Serve hot pasta with a glass of white wine.
If you liked Wholemeal Pasta with Lemon Sauce and Burrata, I invite you to try Truffle Tagliolini with Butter Sauce, Fettuccine Chicken Alfredo or Pasta with zucchini and salmon.
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