Salata de sfecla rosie coapta


Salata de sfecla rosie coapta este o alegere delicioasa si sanatoasa, care poate fi servita atat ca garnitura, cat si ca aperitiv. Aroma dulce si intensa a sfeclei, imbinata cu notele de chimen si hrean, o transforma intr-un preparat revitalizant si plin de savoare. Este un fel de mancare versatil, care poate fi adaptat in functie de preferintele personale, iar prepararea ei prin coacere ajuta la conservarea aromelor naturale ale sfeclei.

Salata de sfecla rosie coapta

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 3 portii)

  • 3 sfecle rosii medii
  • 1 lingurita chimen
  • 2 linguri indulcitor cu stevie
  • 1/2 ligurita sare
  • 20 ml otet
  • 50 ml apa
  • Hrean
  • Sare
Salata de sfecla rosie coapta

Pentru a pregati o salata de sfecla deosebita, prefer sa coc sfecla, deoarece aceasta metoda permite pastrarea intacta a aromelor sale dulci si naturale. Incepem prin a spala cu grija sfeclele, asigurandu-ne ca sunt curate, apoi le asezam intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C si le lasam la copt timp de aproximativ doua ore, in functie de dimensiunea radacinilor. Sfecla este gata atunci cand, la atingere, o simtim moale si frageda.

Salata de sfecla rosie coapta

Dupa coacere, o curatam de coaja cu delicatete si o taiem in rondele subtiri, pe care ulterior le feliem in fasii fine. Intr-un bol adaugam peste sfecla chimen, indulcitor sau zahar (dupa preferinta), sare, otet si apa, amestecand bine compozitia pentru a se omogeniza aromele. Lasam salata sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei, amestecand de 2-3 ori in acest interval pentru o distributie uniforma a condimentelor.

Salata de sfecla rosie coapta

Dupa ce s-a racit complet, transferam sfecla in borcane sterilizate, pe care le inchidem ermetic. Acestea se pastreaza la frigider, unde vor mentine prospetimea si savoarea salatei pentru o perioada indelungata.

Servim salata de sfecla rosie cu hrean alaturi de felurile principale sau chiar aperitive.

Salata de sfecla rosie coapta

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English version

Roasted Beet Salad

Red beet salad is a delicious and healthy choice that can be served both as a side dish and as an appetizer. The sweet and intense flavor of the beetroot, combined with the notes of cumin and horseradish, transforms it into a revitalizing and flavorful dish. It is a versatile food that can be adapted to personal preferences, and the method of roasting helps preserve the natural flavors of the beetroot.

INGREDIENTS (for 3 servings)

  • 3 medium red beets
  • 1 teaspoon caraway
  • 2 tablespoons stevia sweetener
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 20 ml vinegar
  • 50 ml water
  • Horseradish
  • Salt

To prepare a special beetroot salad, I prefer roasting the beets, as this method preserves their sweet and natural flavors. We begin by carefully washing the beets to ensure they are clean, then place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. We put the tray in the preheated oven at 180°C and bake them for about two hours, depending on the size of the roots. The beets are ready when, upon pressing, they feel soft and tender.

After baking, we peel the skin gently and slice them into thin rounds, which we then cut into fine strips. In a bowl, we add cumin, sweetener or sugar (according to preference), salt, vinegar, and water to the beets, mixing the ingredients well to combine the flavors. We let the salad cool at room temperature, stirring 2-3 times during this interval to evenly distribute the seasonings.

Once it has cooled completely, we transfer the beets into sterilized jars, which we seal tightly. These jars are stored in the refrigerator, where they will maintain the freshness and flavor of the salad for an extended period.

Serve the red beet salad with horseradish alongside main dishes or even appetizers.

If you liked the Red Beet Salad recipe, I invite you to try Broccoli Salad with Red Bell Pepper and Pine Seeds, (Best) Red Cabbage Salad or Salad with marinated mushrooms.


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