Primavara aduce cu sine o explozie de arome proaspete si vibrante. Asadar haideti sa surprindem aceste arome proaspete intr-o felie de paine alaturi de unt aromatizat cu leurda si patrunjel. Un aperitiv perfect, reconfortant, numai bun pentru a ne delecta papilele gustative. Prin folosirea ingredientelor proaspete si aromate, precum leurda si patrunjelul vom transforma o gustare obisnuita intr-o experienta culinara memorabila si ne vom bucura pe deplin de primavara.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 150 grame unt
- 1 legatura leurda
- 1 legatura patrunjel
- Sare
Modalitatea de preparare este extrem de simpla. Intr-un blender punem verdeturile si le tocam marunt.
Adaugam deasupra untul la temperatura camerei, sare mare si mixam pana obtinem o crema fina.
Servim untul aromatizat cu paine proaspata, ideal cu coaja cat mai crocanta.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de unt aromatizat cu leurda si patrunjel, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Wild Garlic and Parleys Flavored Butter
Spring brings with it an explosion of fresh and vibrant aromas. So let’s enjoy these fresh flavors in a slice of fresh bread with butter flavored with wild garlic and parsley. A perfect, comforting starter perfect to delight our taste buds. By using fresh and aromatic ingredients, such as wild garlic and parsley, we will transform an ordinary snack into a memorable culinary experience and fully enjoy spring.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 150 grams butter
- 1 bunch wild garlic
- 1 bunch parsley
- Salt
The method of preparation is extremely simple. Put the greens in a blender and chop them finely.
Add the butter at room temperature, salt and mix until you get a fine cream.
Serve the flavored butter with fresh bread, ideally with the crust as crispy as possible.
If you liked the recipe for flavored butter with wild garlic and parsley, I invite you to try Chicken Pate with Truffle Butter, Smoked Trout Pate or Wild Garlic Pesto.
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