Aceasta tigaie mexicana cu creveti, orzo si dovlecei este atat de simplu de facut, incat se incadreaza perfect atat in categoria paste delicioase cat si in categoria cina sanatoasa in 30 de minute. Cu o doza bine meritata de dovlecei si putina caldura din aromele mexicane, aceasta minune de tigaie va va satisface pe deplin papilele gustative.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 500 grame creveti / 500 grams shrimps
- 4 catei de usturoi zdrobiti / 4 cloves garlic minced
- 1 lingura unt / 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 ceapa mica / 1 small onion
- 1 1/2 cana orzo / 1 1/2 cup dry orzo pasta
- 2 cani supa / 2 cups broth
- 1 cana apa / 1 cup water
- Sucul de la 1 lime / Juice of 1 lime
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde / 2 tablespoons parsley
- 2 zucchini / 2 zucchini
- 1 lingurita chipotle chilli pepper / 1 teaspoon chipotle chilli pepper
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper

Punem crevetii intr-un bol si ii presaram cu sare, piper si un catel de usturoi zdrobit. Ii lasam sa se marineze la rece minim o ora.
Intr-o tigaie topim untul cu uleiul de masline. Adaugam ceapa taiata marunt si restul de usturoi si gatim pe foc mediu timp de 30 de secunde amestecand constant. Adaugam pastele orzo si continuam sa gatim pana cand pastele se inchid la culoare devenind usor maronii. Adaugam chipotle, apa, supa, sucul de lime si o lingura de patrunjel si gatim timp de 7 minute. Adaugam dovlecelul si continuam sa gatim timp de 3 minute, apoi adaugam crevetii. Transferam tigaia la cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius si coacem timp de 10 minute.

Presaram cu patrunjel verde si servim alaturi de felii de lime.

Daca v-a placut reteta Tigaie mexicana cu creveti, orzo si dovlecei, va recomand sa incercati si Somon cu salsa de mango si creveti, Tigaie cu novac cu sos de sepie si creveti, Creveti cu usturoi & Popcorn.
One Pot Mexican with Shrimp, Orzo and Zucchini
One Pot Mexican with Shrimp, Orzo and Zucchini is so simple to make, that it fits perfectly both in the category of delicious pasta and in the category of healthy dinner in 30 minutes. With a well-deserved dose of zucchini and a little Mexican flavors, this pan will satisfy your senses.
Put the shrimps in a bowl and sprinkle them with salt, pepper and 1 clove of crushed garlic. Let them marinate in the fridge for at least an hour.
In a pan, melt the butter with the olive oil. Add the finely chopped onion and the rest of the garlic and cook on medium heat for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add the orzo pasta and continue cooking until the pasta color and becomes slightly brown. Add the chipotle pepper, water, soup, lime juice and 1 tablespoon of parsley and cook for 7 minutes. Add the zucchini and continue to cook for 3 minutes, then add the shrimps. Transfer the pan to the oven preheat at 180 Celsius grade and bake for 10 minutes.
Sprinkle with parsley and serve with lime slices
If you liked the One Pot Mexican with Shrimp, Orzo and Zucchini recipe, I recommend you also try Salmon with mango salsa and shrimp, One Pot with cuttlefish sauce and shrimp, Garlic Shrimp & Popcorn.
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