Croissant cu Camembert si smochine


Croissant cu Camembert si smochine este una dintre putinele retete care folosesc doar cateva ingrediente, dar este in acelasi timp de mare impact. Acest aperitiv elegant are nevoie de mai putin de doua minute pentru pregatire, iar cuptorul face restul lucrarii.
Ar putea parea ciudat sa asociezi fructe proaspete cu branza topita, dar trebuie neaparat sa incercati aceasta combinatie. Ca si plan de rezerva, daca nu aveti croissante, puteti folosi si cateva felii de bagheta.

Croissant cu camembert si smochine


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 2 croissante / 2 croissants
  • 120 grame branza Camembert / 120 grams Camembert cheese
  • 4 smochine / 4 figs
Croissant cu camembert si smochine

Taiem croissantele pe jumatate, branza si smochinele felii.

Acoperim fiecare jumatate de croissant cu felii de branza si introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius sau in Actifry pentru 10 – 15 minute pana cand branza este frumos topita.

Asezam feliile de smochine peste croissante si decoram cu crengute de cimbru.

Croissant cu camembert si smochine

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Croissant cu camembert si smochine

Daca v-a placut reteta de Croissant cu camembert si smochine, va recomand sa incercati si un Croissant cu migdale, un Croissant Sandwich sau Croissant au saumon & guacamole.

English version

Croissant with Camembert and Figs

Croissant with Camembert and figs is one of the few recipes that use only a few ingredients, but is at the same time very impactful. This elegant appetizer takes less than two minutes to prepare, and the oven does the rest.
It might seem strange to associate fresh fruit with melted cheese, but you must definitely try this combination. As a backup plan, if you don’t have croissants, you can also use a few slices of baguette.

Cut the croissants in half, the cheese and the figs into slices.

Cover each half of the croissant with slices of cheese and place in the oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius or in the Actifry for 10 -15 minutes until the cheese is nicely melted.

Place the fig slices on the croissants and decorate with sprigs of thyme.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the recipe for Croissant with Camembert and figs, I recommend you also to try an Almond Croissant, Sandwich Croissant or a Croissant with salmon & guacamole.


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