Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti


Sunt putine locurile de care te indragostesti la prima vedere, iar in cazul restaurantelor, la cea dintai degustare… Am descoperit nu demult, fix in inima Bucurestiului un veritabil restaurant italienesc, in care atmosfera, preparatele, dar mai ales caldura si naturaletea simpaticului Chef Pippo, m-au teleportat aproape instant in Bella Italia! Asadar, la categoria „Unde mancam in … Bucuresti” va povestesc acum si aici despre Pippo’s.

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Atmosfera, muzica dar mai ales preparatele de la Pippo’s te fac sa crezi ca esti intr-o cantina veritabila din Peninsula, nicidecum pe strada Paris din Capitala.   

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Secretele preparatelor simpaticului Chef italian, constau in simplitatea retetelor, calitatea si prospetimea ingredientelor folosite si, as mai adauga eu, bucuria cu care gateste, pentru ca da, Pippo este cel mai puternic exemplu de daruire pentru arta culinara.

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Desi aveti la indemana un meniu standard din care va puteti alege ce preparate doriti, veti primi de fiecare data cateva recomandari de preparate ale caror ingrediente de baza “au sosit azi”! Si da, nu am avut niciun regret.

Am incercat (cele mai bune) vongole cu sos de usturoi, tagliata di tonno, calamari la gratar, spaghete cu vongole si biban cu legume la cuptor. Aaa, era sa uit: daca va intreaba daca doriti si o portie de acciughe, sa spuneti DA cu toata convingerea pentru ca veti primit cele mai delicioase anchovis marinate!

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Va recomand sa mergeti pe mana lui si in ceea ce priveste selectia de vinuri italienesti: are vinuri spectaculoase si recomandari pe masura!

La desert am primit celebrele Cannoli, care desi nu se numara printre preferatele mele, au fost de-a dreptul senzationale.

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Si pentru ca mi-a ramas gandul la mancarea delicioasa, am incercat si eu cateva dintre retetele descoperite acolo: Branzino al forno a la Pippo si Spaghetti alle Vongole.

Dupa aceasta experienta minunata nu pot spune decat “Ti amo, Pippo! Grazie mille!”.

Unde mancam in …. Bucuresti

Daca v-a placut recomandarea “Unde mancam in … Bucuresti”, va invit la masa si in:

Cluj – Napoca

English version

Where to Eat in … Bucharest

There are few places that you fall in love with at first sight, and in the case of restaurants, at the first tasting… I discovered not long ago, right in the heart of Bucharest, a genuine Italian restaurant, where the atmosphere, prepared, but above all the warmth and naturalness of the friendly Chef Pippo, they instantly took me to Bella Italia! So, in the „Where to eat in … Bucharest” category,

I’m telling you now and here about Pippo’s.
The atmosphere, the music, but especially the dishes from Pippo’s make you think that you are in a real canteen in the Peninsula, by no means on Paris Street in the Capital.

The secrets of the nice Italian Chef’s preparations are the simplicity of the recipes, the quality and freshness of the ingredients used and, I would add, the joy with which he cooks, because yes, Pippo is the strongest example of dedication to culinary art.

Although the restaurant has a standard menu from which you can choose what to prepare, you will receive every time some preparation recommendations whose basic ingredients „arrived today”! There, now I have no regrets.

I tried (the best) vongole with garlic sauce, tagliata di tonno, grilled calamari, spaghetti with vongole and sea bass with baked vegetables. Ah, I forgot: if he asks if you want a portion of “acciughe”, say YES with all conviction because you will receive the most delicious marinated anchovies!

I recommend you to follow him also regarding the selection of Italian wines: he has spectacular wines and tailor-made recommendations!

The dessert was the famous Cannoli, which, although not among my favorites, were downright sensational.

If you think I still have the thought of the delicious food, I also tried some of the recipes discovered there: Branzino al forno a la Pippo and Spaghetti alle Vongole.

After this wonderful experience, I can only say „Ti amo, Pippo! Thanks a lot!”.

If you liked the recommendation „Where to eat in … Bucuresti”, I invite you to lunch or dinner in Bran, Atra Doftana or Cluj – Napoca.


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