Aceasta salata de paste cu ton si telina apio este rapida, sanatoasa si reprezinta un fel de mancare de care se poate bucura toata familia. Un clasic al bucatariei, aceasta salata se realizeaza in scurt timp cu ingrediente simple pe care de cele mai multe ori le ai la indemana. Pentru sosul acestei salate, eu am ales sa folosesc o varianta mai dietetica cu un aport mai ridicat de proteine, un amestec de iaurt grecesc cu maioneza desavarsit cu suc de lamaie.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 150 grame ton simplu sau cu legume / 150 grams simple tuna or with vegetable
- 100 grame paste tubetti / 100 grams tubetti pasta
- 2 cepe rosii / 2 red onions
- 2 tije telina apio / 2 celery stalks
- 100 grame branza cremoasa / 100 grams creamy cheese
- 2 linguri iaurt grecesc / 2 tablespoons greek yogurt
- 1 lingura maioneza / 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
- 1 lingurita patrunjel verde / 1 teaspoon parsley
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Primul pas este fierberea pastelor conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Clatim pastele cu apa rece, le scurgem si le lasam la racit. Taiem ceapa in rondele subtiri si apio in cubulete mici.

Pentru dressing amestecam iaurtul, maioneza, sucul de lamaie si patrunjelul verde.
Pe fiecare platou aranjam tonul, pastele, branza cremoasa, ceapa rosie si telina apio. Eu am ales branza cremoasa President.

Servim salata de ton alaturi de dressing de iaurt.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata de paste cu ton, va recomand sa incercati si:

English version
Tuna Pasta Salad
This pasta salad with tuna and apio is quick, healthy and represents a dish loved by the whole family. A kitchen classic, this salad is made in a short time with simple ingredients that you usually have in the kitchen. For the sauce of this salad, I chose to use a more dietary version with a higher protein, a mixture of Greek yogurt with mayonnaise perfected with lemon juice.
The first step is to boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package. Rinse the pasta with cold water, drain and leave to cool. Cut the onion into thin rounds and the celery into small cubes.
For the dressing, mix yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice and green parsley.
Arrange the tuna, pasta, cream cheese, red onion and celery on each plate.
We serve the tuna salad with yogurt dressing.
If you liked the pasta salad with tuna recipe, I recommend you also try Tuna Rillettes, Fusilli al tonno or Tuna Salad.
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