Sibiul a avut intotdeauna farmecul lui … Insa in ultimii ani, chiar dinainte de Pandemie au aparut o serie de locuri foarte faine in care sa poti servi masa. Asadar, unde mancam in … Sibiu?
Hochmeister delikat’essen sau pe scurt Hochmeister! Si aici am ajuns tot in urma unei sugestii din partea unor prieteni care mi l-au recomandat din mai multe motive: pentru locatia sa in centrul istoric, pentru arhitectura si design, pentru povestea sa, dar mai ales pentru meniul manifest numit New-Old Transylvanian Cuisine, un concept nou inspirat de retete vechi de la bunici si de prin carti prafuite, cu diferite influente de la cele 11 popoare care ne-au lasat mostenire cultura lor gastronomica.
Restaurantul Hochmeister este situat intr-una din cele mai frumoase piatete din Sibiu, Piata Schiller colt cu strada Timotei Popovici si dispune si de o terasa exterioara cu 26 locuri, apreciata datorita faptului ca este situata in zona mai linistita a orasului vechi (din pacate nu am reusit sa ma bucur pe deplin de atmosfera terasei din pricina caldurii teribile din ziua in care am ajuns acolo).
Restaurantul se afla locat in fosta casa a lui Martin von Hochmeister care, in anul 1790, a tiparit primul ghid al orasului Sibiu, pe atunci Hermannstadt.
Restaurantul ne propune o calatorie culinara care pleaca de la produse de sezon si producatori locali, de unde si conceptul “Farm to table”. Am incercat Turta de malai cu pastrav afumat de la Sadu, dulceata de ardei iute si verdeturi de la Gradina Verde si Tartina cu branza de capra, paine cu maia, prune rehidratate cu cognac si suc de portocale si rozmarin proaspat – ambele preparate surprinzatoare si senzationale deopotriva, numai bune ca sursa de Inspiratie…
La felul principal am incercat Cotletele de berbecut din Marginime cu ciuperci rumenite dar si o delicioasa Salata de sezon cu vita, rosii uscate, ardei iute, seminte si parmezan.
Din pacate nu a mai ramas loc pentru desert, desi tare as fi incercat o portie de Papanași fierti cu gem de afine si smantana grasa… Promit insa sa revin … macar pentru partea de final.
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English version
Where We Ate in … Sibiu
Sibiu has always had its charm… But in recent years, even before the Pandemic, a series of very nice places have appeared where you can have a meal. So, where do we eat in … Sibiu?
Hochmeister delikat’essen or Hochmeister for short! And I ended up here following a suggestion from some friends who recommended it to me for several reasons: for its location in the historic center, for its architecture and design, for its story, but especially for the manifesto menu called New-Old Transylvanian Cuisine, a new concept inspired by old recipes from grandmothers and from dusty books, with different influences from the 11 peoples who have left us a legacy of their gastronomic culture.
The Hochmeister restaurant is located in one of the most beautiful squares in Sibiu, Schiller Square on the corner of Timotei Popovici street and has an outdoor terrace with 26 seats, appreciated due to the fact that it is located in the quieter area of the old town (unfortunately not I managed to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the terrace because of the terrible heat the day I got there).
The restaurant is located in the former house of Martin von Hochmeister who, in 1790, printed the first guide to the city of Sibiu, then Hermannstadt.
The restaurant offers us a culinary journey that starts with seasonal products and local producers, hence the „Farm to table” concept. I tried the Polenta cake with smoked trout from Sadu, the hot green pepper jam from Gradina Verde and the Crostini with goat cheese, bread with mayo, plums rehydrated with cognac and orange juice and fresh rosemary – both surprising and sensational dishes at the same time , only good as a source of inspiration…
For the main course, I tried the lamb chops from Marginime with browned mushrooms, but also a delicious seasonal salad with beef, dried tomatoes, hot peppers, seeds and parmesan.
Unfortunately, there was no room left for dessert, although I would have loved to try a portion of boiled Papanași with blueberry jam and heavy cream… But I promise to come back… at least for the final part.
If you liked the article Where we eat in … Sibiu, I invite you to visit Cluj, Veseud 11 or Costinesti.
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