S-a intamplat sa petrec cea mai lunga zi din an la Veseud 11 si, da, chiar mi-as fi dorit ca aceasta sa nu se mai sfarseasca! Este un loc de poveste in care frumusetea locului nu este intrecuta decat de bunatatea si veselia gazdelor…

Am ajuns pentru prima data in acest satuc, aflat la un „capat de linie” al unui drum transilvanean, insa caldura cu care am fost intampinati mi-a conferit o puternica senzatie de bine, de parca ne-am fi cunoscut cu mult timp in urma si chiar de atunci am fi ramas clienti fideli.

Unicitatea locatiei se datoreaza ambiantei pe care gazdele au creat-o in stil traditional, rustic dar in acelasi timp si elegant. Toate aceste minunatii, care au fost renovate pentru a oferi o sedere minunata la Veseud, isi pastreaza originea si traditia locului. Casa este amplasata vis-a-vis de Biserica Evanghelica si de parcul din localitate.

Peisajul minunat care inconjoara satul este de nedescris, iar casele sasesti renovate de sasii care s-au reintors aici, au facut ca acest loc sa recapete farmecul de odinioara. De asemenea, curtea spatioasa, dominata de cel mai crud verde vazut vreodata care ofera o priveliste minunata, isi asteapta turistii sa petreaca zile perfecte la umbra vitei-de-vie si a pomilor fructiferi si seri de neuitat in jurul unui foc de tabara sau pe terasa, la lumina lumanarilor.

Dar era sa uit cel mai frumos si linistit apus pe care l-am trait, in care soarele a alunecat linistit intr-un pahar de vin alb rece, cautand parca sa se racoreasca istovit dupa aceasta zi torida de iunie.

Proprietatea dispune de 16 camere dispersate in cele trei corpuri de casa, de doua locuri perfecte pentru relaxare si servirea mesei in surile renovate in stil traditional, care ofera un aer retro, fiecare cu o terasa care ofera o perspectiva deosebita asupra zonei si de spatii de joaca pentru copii.

Construita in anul 1883, casa isi pastreaza aspectul si acum, la constructia ei fiind folosite materiale din vechiul edificiu aflat tot in acest loc din anul 1799 (acest aspect se regaseste pe o grinda aflata intr-una din camere). Veseud 11 este asadar o calatorie in timp, oferind atmosfera, stilul si detaliile vietii din vechime.

Mancarea aduce aminte de gustul autentic de casa, de bucatele simple, dar teribil de gustoase pe care doar bunicile le stiu a pregati cel mai bine. Este o sarbatoare a gustului, a prospetimii si a ingredientelor locale, multe dintre legume fiind chiar din gospodaria proprie. Meniul este fix, organizat de tip bufet, insa sunt acoperite cu brio cam toate gusturile si posibile intolerante la orice.

Micul dejun servit pe una dintre terasele surilor este motivatia perfecta pentru a te trezi cat mai devreme sa te poti bucura cat mai mult de nuantele de verde si de linistea naturii, care se completeaza reciproc. Nu imi amintesc sa imi fi lipsit ceva, iar despre gust si prospetime doar calificative de superlativ.

Singurul aspect care nu se ridica la inatimea restului serviciilor si a frumusetii proprietatii este conexiunea wi-fi iar pe alocuri semnalul retelelor de telefonie dispare complet, vrajit fiind cel mai probabil de frumusetea locului.
Daca v-a placut la Veseud 11 va invit sa vizitati si Constanta, Atra Doftana sau Saschiz 175.
English version
Veseud 11
I happened to spend the longest day of the year at Veseud 11 and, yes, I really wish it would not end! It is a fairytale place where the beauty of the place is only surpassed by the kindness and cheerfulness of the hosts…
I arrived for the first time in this village, located at the „end of the line” of a Transylvanian road, but the warmth with which we were greeted gave me a strong feeling of well-being, as if we had known each other for a long time followed and even since then we would have remained loyal customers.
The uniqueness of the location is due to the ambience that the hosts have created in a traditional, rustic but at the same time elegant style. All these marvels, which have been renovated to offer a wonderful stay in Veseud, preserve their origin and local tradition. The house is located opposite the Evangelical Church and the local park.
The wonderful landscape that surrounds the village is indescribable, and the Saxon houses renovated by the Saxons who returned here, made this place regain its former charm. Also, the spacious courtyard, dominated by the rawest green ever seen that offers a wonderful view, awaits tourists to spend perfect days in the shade of vines and fruit trees and unforgettable evenings around a campfire or on the terrace, by candlelight.
But I had to forget the most beautiful and peaceful sunset I’ve ever experienced, in which the sun slid quietly into a glass of cold white wine, as if trying to cool down exhausted after this hot June day.
The property has 16 rooms scattered in the three parts of the house, two perfect places for relaxing and serving meals in the renovated traditional style rooms, which offer a retro air, each with a terrace that offers a special perspective on the area and spaces for play for children.
Built in 1883, the house retains its appearance even now, materials from the old edifice also located in this place from 1799 being used in its construction (this appearance can be found on a beam in one of the rooms). Veseud 11 is therefore a journey through time, offering the atmosphere, style and details of life in the past.
The food brings to mind the authentic taste of home, the simple but terribly tasty dishes that only grandmothers know how to prepare best. It is a celebration of taste, freshness and local ingredients, many of the vegetables are from the own household. The menu is fixed, organized as a buffet, but almost all tastes and possible intolerances are covered brilliantly.
Breakfast served on one of the terraces is the perfect motivation to get up as early as possible to enjoy as much as possible the shades of green and the silence of nature, which complement each other. I don’t remember missing anything, and about the taste and freshness only superlatives.
The only aspect a little bit negative is the wi-fi connection and in some places the signal of the telephone networks disappears completely, most likely bewitched by the beauty of the place.
If you liked Veseud 11, I invite you to visit Constanta, Atra Doftana or Saschiz 175.
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