Cand ai senzatia ca petreci prea mult timp in bucatarie si ai chef de ceva rapid, reteta de vinete coapte cu buratta te scoate din incurcatura. Fasiile de vinete coapte cu foarte putin ulei de masline sau chiar deloc (daca preferati varianta dietetica) aromate cu oregano si chilli sunt o idee excelenta pentru o masa de pranz sau cina.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 1 vanata / 1 eggplant
- 200 grame branza buratta / 200 grams buratta cheese
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- 1/4 lingurita fulgi de chilli / 1/4 teaspoon chilli flakes
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 rosii / 2 tomatoes
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
- 2 linguri busuioc proaspat / 2 tablespoons fresh basil
- Sare / Salt
Spalam vanata bine si o taiem pe jumatate, apoi in fasii inguste. Presaram cu sare, oregano, fulgi de chilli si adaugam doua linguri de ulei. Masam bine vinetele cu acest amestec si le asezam pe o tava de copt. Pentru varianta dietetica puteti sa adaugati mai putin ulei sau chiar deloc.
Introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute. La jumatatea timpului intoarcem vinetele pentru a se rumeni pe ambele parti.
Intre timp pregatim salata de rosii. Taiem rosiile in cuburi mici, adaugam usturoiul zdrobit, busuiocul taiat marunt, sare si o lingura de ulei de masline. Amestecam si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.
Pe un platou rupem buratta si aranjam deasupra felii de vanata rumenite si salata de rosii.
Servim alaturi de paine proaspata cu usturoi si un pahar cu vin alb.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Vinete coapte cu buratta, va recomand sa incercati si:
English version
Baked eggplant with burrata
When you have the feeling that you spend too much time in the kitchen and you feel like something quick, the recipe for baked eggplant with buratta will get you out of the mess. Eggplant strips cooked with very little olive oil or even none at all, if you prefer the dietary version, flavored with oregano and chili are an excellent idea for a lunch or dinner.
Wash the eggplant well and cut it in half, then into narrow strips. Sprinkle with salt, oregano, chili flakes and add two tablespoons of oil. Massage the eggplant well with this mixture and place the slices on a baking tray. For the dietary version, you can add less oil or even none at all.
Place in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. Halfway through the time, turn the eggplant over to brown on both sides.
In the meantime, prepare the tomato salad. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, add crushed garlic, finely chopped basil, salt and a spoonful of olive oil. Mix and refrigerate until serving time.
On a plate, break the buratta and arrange the browned eggplant slices and tomato salad on top.
Serve with fresh garlic bread and a glass of white wine.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for Baked Eggplant with Buratta, I recommend you also try Zaalouk – Moroccan eggplant, Baked potatoes stuffed with bacon and green onions or Baked sweet potatoes with cheese and avocado.
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