Aceasta reteta de Fluffy Pancakes este cea mai delicioasa si cea mai rapida. Clatitele pufoase, moi si fragede abia asteapta sa fie acoperite cu sos si apoi devorate alaturi de fructe proaspete. Folosind cateva ingrediente de baza din bucataria noastra, vom obtine perfectiunea pentru un mic dejun de weekend. Un aluat foarte simplu, fara separarea oualor, spumarea albusurilor sau amestecarea delicata a ingredientelor. Tot ce avem nevoie este un bol, o cana si un tel sau un mixer. Simplu, cat ai zice “pancakes”!
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 200 grame faina / 200 grams flour
- 10 grame praf de copt / 10 grams baking powder
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 lingurite zahar / 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 300 ml lapte / 300 ml milk
- 60 grame unt topit / 60 grams melted butter
- 1/2 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
In bolul mixerului amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina, zaharul, sarea si praful de copt. Intr-o cana amestecam laptele, oul, esenta de vanilie si untul topit si mixam usor cu ajutorul unei furculite.
Turnam ingredientele lichide peste cele solide mixand in continuu sau amestecand cu ajutorul unui tel, pana obtinem un aluat subtire. Lasam aluatul sa se odihneasca 15 – 30 de minute.
Incingem o tigaie si cu ajutorul unui servetel o ungem usor cu foarte putin ulei. Eu am avut o tigaie potrivita pentru 7 clatite, achizionata din Lidl, insa puteti folosi si o tigaie normala. Turnam cate un polonic mic de compozitie si incepem sa prajim clatitele la foc mediu. Cand formeaza bule la suprafata, le intoarcem si le mai prajim 1 – 2 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Servim clatitele alaturi de fructe proaspete, sirop de artar, crema de ciocolata si multe fructe proaspete.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta celor mai Fluffy Pancakes, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Fluffy Pancakes
This Fluffy Pancakes recipe is the most delicious and the fastest. The soft and tender fluffy pancakes are just waiting to be covered with sauce and then devoured with fresh fruit. Using a few basic ingredients from our kitchen, we achieve perfection for a weekend breakfast. A very simple dough, without separating the eggs, foaming the whites or delicately mixing the ingredients. All we need is a bowl, a cup and a whisk or a mixer. Simple, as you would say „pancakes”!
In the mixer bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. In a mug, mix the milk, egg, vanilla essence and melted butter and mix gently with a fork.
Pour the liquid ingredients over the solid ones, mixing continuously or mixing with a whisk, until get a thin dough. Let the dough rest for 15 – 30 minutes.
Heat a pan and with the help of a napkin lightly grease it with a small quantity of oil. I had a pan suitable for 7 pancakes, purchased from Lidl, but you can also use a normal pan. Pour a small amount of the mixture and start frying the pancakes on medium heat. When they form bubbles on the surface, turn them over and fry them for another 1-2 minutes until they are nicely browned.
Serve the pancakes with fresh fruit, maple syrup, chocolate cream and lots of fresh fruit.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for the most Fluffy Pancakes, I invite you to try Lemon Ricotta Pancakes, Crêpes Suzette or Fruity Bubble Waffle.
- Scrambled Eggs cu ricotta
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