Vinete Ratatouille gratinate


Daca esti in cautarea unei retete usoare, pline de savoare si potrivita pentru orice ocazie, aceste Vinete Ratatouille gratinate sunt alegerea ideala. Combinatia de legume coapte, aromele mediteraneene si stratul cremos de branza le transforma intr-un preparat reconfortant, perfect pentru un pranz lejer. In plus, daca renunti la branzeturi, aceasta reteta devine o varianta excelenta pentru zilele de post, fara sa compromita gustul sau textura. Descopera mai jos cum poti pregati acest fel de mancare simplu, sanatos si plin de culoare!

Vinete Ratatouille gratinate

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 300 grame vinete
  • 100 grame ardei gras
  • 400 grame dovlecei
  • 100 grame mozzarella
  • 10 ml ulei de masline
  • 50 grame ceapa
  • 250 ml suc de rosii
  • 200 ml pasta de tomate
  • 1/2 lingurita oregano
  • 3 fire busuioc
  • Coaja de parmezan
  • Sare
Vinete Ratatouille gratinate

Spalam bine legumele, apoi le taiem astfel: vanata in jumatate, iar dovleceii si ardeii in cuburi de aproximativ 1,5 x 1,5 cm. Presaram dovleceii cu putina sare si ii lasam deoparte pentru a elimina excesul de apa.

Cu ajutorul unui cutit, crestam usor miezul fiecarei jumatati de vanata pe diagonala, avand grija sa nu perforam coaja. Presaram sare si ungem fiecare jumatate cu cate o lingurita de ulei de masline. Coacem vinetele timp de 20 de minute in Actifry sau in cuptor, pana cand miezul lor devine fraged.

Vinete Ratatouille gratinate

Dupa ce vinetele sunt gata, adaugam in Actifry sau in cuptor dovleceii si ardeii si ii gatim timp de 20 de minute, pana cand devin usor rumeniti.

Intre timp, intr-o craticioara, punem pasta de rosii, sucul de rosii, ceapa taiata in sferturi, oregano, coaja de parmezan – care va imbogati sosul cu o aroma savuroasa – si busuiocul proaspat. Fierbem la foc mic aproximativ 30 de minute, pana cand sosul capata o consistenta densa. Indepartam coaja de parmezan si busuiocul, apoi pasam sosul pentru o textura fina.

Cand legumele sunt gata, le transferam intr-un bol. Scoatem miezul copt al vinetelor, il tocam marunt si il adaugam peste celelalte legume. Turnam sosul de rosii pasat, pastrand doua linguri deoparte, si amestecam bine. Folosim acest amestec pentru a umple jumatatile de vinete.

Vinete Ratatouille gratinate

Ungem o forma termorezistenta cu putin ulei de masline, adaugam cele doua linguri de sos de rosii pastrate si asezam vinetele umplute. Le introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C timp de 15 minute, apoi presaram mozzarella rasa si le mai lasam la gratinat inca 15 minute, pana capata o crusta aurie si apetisanta.

Servim vinetele umplute ca fel principal sau drept garnitura, alaturi de o salata proaspata.

Vinete Ratatouille gratinate

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English version

Gratinated Ratatouille Eggplants

These Gratinated Ratatouille Eggplants are the perfect choice for a flavorful and satisfying meal. The combination of roasted vegetables, Mediterranean aromas, and a creamy cheese topping transforms them into a comforting dish, ideal for a light lunch. Moreover, if you skip the cheese, this recipe becomes an excellent option for fasting days, without compromising taste or texture. Discover below how you can prepare this simple, healthy, and colorful dish!

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 300 grams eggplant
  • 100 grams bell pepper
  • 400 grams zucchini
  • 100 grams mozzarella
  • 10ml olive oil
  • 50 grams onion
  • 250 ml tomato juice
  • 200ml tomato paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 3 sprigs fresh basil
  • Parmesan rind
  • Salt

Wash the vegetables thoroughly, then cut them as follows: slice the eggplant in half, and dice the zucchini and bell peppers into approximately 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes. Sprinkle the zucchini with a little salt and set them aside to release excess water.

Using a knife, gently score the flesh of each eggplant half diagonally, taking care not to pierce the skin. Sprinkle with salt and brush each half with a teaspoon of olive oil. Roast the eggplants in an ActiFry or oven for 20 minutes, until the flesh becomes soft.

Once the eggplants are ready, add the zucchini and bell peppers to the ActiFry or oven and cook for 20 minutes, until they become lightly browned.

Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, combine the tomato paste, tomato juice, quartered onion, oregano, Parmesan rind (which will add a rich flavor to the sauce), and fresh basil. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, until the sauce thickens. Remove the Parmesan rind and basil, then blend the sauce until smooth.

When the vegetables are done, transfer them to a bowl. Scoop out the roasted eggplant flesh, chop it finely, and mix it with the other vegetables. Pour in the blended tomato sauce, keeping two tablespoons aside, and stir well. Use this mixture to stuff the eggplant halves.

Grease a heat-resistant baking dish with a little olive oil, add the reserved tomato sauce, and place the stuffed eggplants inside. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with grated mozzarella and bake for another 15 minutes, until golden and gratinated.

Serve the stuffed eggplants as a main dish or as a side, accompanied by a fresh salad.

If you enjoyed this Gratinated Ratatouille Eggplant recipe, I invite you to try Italian Stuffed Eggplants, Oven Baked Eggplant with Cheese and Figs or Tantuni Stuffed Eggplants.


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