Sushi Salad


Sushi salad este o reteta delicioasa, rapida si sanatoasa, ideala pentru un pranz sau o cina usoara. Combinand ingrediente proaspete si un amestec perfect de arome, aceasta salata se inspira din traditionalul sushi, dar intr-o varianta mult mai accesibila si simplu de realizat. Daca iti doresti un preparat care imbina orezul lipicios, somonul proaspat, crevetii savurosi si legumele crocante, sushi salad este optiunea perfecta. Serveste-o alaturi de wasabi, sos de soia si ghimbir murat pentru o masa deosebita.

Sushi Salad

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 150 grame orez pentru sushi
  • 2 cepe verzi
  • 2 baby morcovi
  • 200 grame somon
  • 2 linguri sos teriyaki
  • 1 lingurita seminte mixte de susan
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 castravete fabio
  • 8 creveti decorticati
  • 2 linguri sos de soia
  • 2 linguri de otet de orez
  • 1 lingura ulei vegetal
  • 1/2 foaie nori
Sushi Salad

Clatim orezul sub apa rece pana cand apa devine limpede si il punem intr-o cratita cu 350 ml de apa rece si sare la fiert. Fierbem orezul timp de 15 minute, pana cand apa este complet absorbita si orezul este moale si lipicios. Lasam orezul la racit.

Sushi Salad

Intre timp pregatim pestele. Curatam pestele de solzi si il taiem in cubulete de aproximativ 2 cm. Presaram cu sare si adaugam sosul teriyaki. Amestecam bine si adaugam si crevetii. Lasam la marinat timp de 20 – 30 de minute si apoi ii pregatim in Actifry. Pregatim intai somonul timp de 10 minute, apoi crevetii timp de 3 minute.

Pentru legume curatam morcovii si ceapa verde si le tocam marunt. Separat adaugam intr-un bol avocado si castravetele tocat marunt, semintele de susan, o lingura de otet de orez, sosul de soia, uleiul vegetal, somonul si crevetii. Amestecam usor fara a distruge pestele.

Sushi Salad

Intr-un bol amestecam orezul rece cu o lingurita de otet de orez si amestecul de morcov si ceapa verde. Impartim orezul in farfurii si asezam deasupra amestecul de peste.

Decoram cu fasii de nori si servim alaturi de sos de soia, wasabi si ghimbir murat.

Sushi Salad

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Sushi Salad, va invit sa incercati si:

Asian Lunch
Asian Lunch
Sweet Chilli Salmon Bowl
Sweet Chilli Salmon Bowl
Noodles cu vita si legume
Noodles cu vita si legume

English version

Sushi Salad

Sushi salad is a delicious, quick, and healthy recipe, perfect for a light lunch or dinner. Combining fresh ingredients and a perfect mix of flavors, this salad is inspired by traditional sushi but in a much more accessible and easy-to-make version. If you’re looking for a dish that combines sticky rice, fresh salmon, flavorful shrimp, and crunchy vegetables, sushi salad is the perfect choice. Serve it with wasabi, soy sauce, and pickled ginger for a special meal!

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 150 grams sushi rice
  • 2 green onions
  • 2 baby carrots
  • 200 grams salmon
  • 2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
  • 1 teaspoon mixed sesame seeds
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 Fabio cucumber
  • 8 peeled shrimp
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 sheet nori

Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear, then place it in a pot with 350 ml of cold water and salt. Bring it to a boil and cook the rice for 15 minutes until the water is completely absorbed and the rice is soft and sticky. Let the rice cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the fish. Clean the fish from scales and cut it into cubes of about 2 cm. Sprinkle with salt and add the teriyaki sauce. Mix well and add the shrimp. Let it marinate for 20-30 minutes, then cook it in the Actifry. First, cook the salmon for 10 minutes, then the shrimp for 3 minutes.

For the vegetables, peel the carrots and green onions and chop them finely. In a separate bowl, add the chopped avocado and cucumber, sesame seeds, one tablespoon of rice vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, salmon, and shrimp. Mix gently without breaking the fish.

In a bowl, mix the cooled rice with one teaspoon of rice vinegar and the carrot and green onion mixture. Divide the rice into bowls and place the fish mixture on top.

Garnish with nori strips and serve with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

If you enjoyed the Sushi Salad recipe, I invite you to try Asian Lunch, Sweet Chilli Salmon Bowl or a Noodles with Veal and Vegetables.


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