Vinete umplute in stil italian pentru un pranz satios si in acelasi timp gustos. Nu stii ce sa mai gatesti la pranz sau la cina? Ce zici de o portie de vinete delicioase cu arome italienesti? Umplutura din vinete este o combinatie delicioasa cu pui, legume, oregano si ricotta. Iar pentru un gust desavarsit gratinam acest deliciu cu mozzarella pentru a avea un contrast perfect intre umplutura cremoasa si marginea crocanta.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 1 vanata / 1 eggplant
- 200 grame pulpa de pui dezosata / 200 grams of boneless chicken thighs
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1/4 ardei rosu / 1/4 red pepper
- 1/4 ardei verde / 1/4 green pepper
- 3 catei de usturoi mici / 3 small garlic cloves
- 1/2 lingurita oregano / 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 1/4 lingurita piper / 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 200 grame rosii cherry / 200 grams cherry tomatoes
- 1 lingura pasta de ardei / 1 tablespoon pepper sauce
- 75 grame ricotta / 75 grams ricotta
- 50 grame mozzarella / 50 grams mozzarella
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Spalam vanata si o taiem pe jumatate. Crestam fiecare jumatate de vanata pe diagonala la distanta de 2 cm astfel incat sa obtinem romburi, avand totodata grija sa nu strapungem coaja. Presaram cu sare mare si introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius pentru 40 de minute.
Intre timp pregatim umplutura de carne. Incalzim o tigaie si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline, ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt. Calim 1 minut si adaugam 75 ml de apa si ardeii taiati marunt. Inabusim legumele 4 minute, amestecand ocazional si adaugam carnea de pui tocata, oregano, sare si piper.
Gatim 15 minute, adaugand cate putina apa, daca mai este cazul, apoi adaugam rosiile taiate marunt si pasta de ardei. Mai gatim timp de 10 minute si lasam sa se raceasca compozitia usor, apoi adaugam ricotta si amestecam.
Cand vinetele sunt coapte le scoatem din cuptor si presam usor miezul acestora cu ajutorul unei furculite. Umplem vinetele cu compozitia de carne si le introducem din nou in cuptor, pentru 20 de minute.
Presaram mozzarella rasa peste vinete si mai lasam la cuptor timp de 5 – 10 minute pana cand sunt frumos gratinate.
Servim vinetele alaturi de un sos de iaurt cu usturoi si salata verde.
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English version
Italian Stuffed Eggplants
Stuffed eggplants in Italian style for a filling and at the same time tasty lunch. Don’t know what to cook for lunch or dinner? How about a delicious eggplant with Italian flavors? The eggplant filling is a delicious combination with chicken, vegetables, oregano and ricotta. And for a perfect taste, we gratin this delight with mozzarella to have a perfect contrast between the creamy filling and the crispy edge.
Wash the eggplant and cut it in half. Cut each half of the venison diagonally at a distance of 2 cm so as to obtain rhombuses, taking care not to pierce the skin. Sprinkle with salt and place in the oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the meat filling. Heat a pan and add a spoonful of olive oil, finely chopped onion and garlic. Saute for 1 minute and add 75 ml of water and finely chopped peppers. Stew the vegetables for 4 minutes, stirring occasionally and add the minced chicken meat, oregano, salt and pepper.
Cook for 15 minutes, adding a small quantity of water, if necessary, then add the finely chopped tomatoes and pepper paste. Cook for another 10 minutes and let the mixture cool slightly, then add the ricotta and mix.
When the eggplants are cooked, remove them from the oven and gently press the core with a fork. Fill the eggplants with the meat mixture and put them back in the oven for 20 minutes.
Sprinkle the grated mozzarella over the eggplants and leave in the oven for 5-10 minutes until they are nicely browned.
Serve the eggplants with a yogurt sauce with garlic and green salad.
If you liked the recipe for stuffed eggplants in Italian style, I invite you to try Oven Baked Eggplant with Cheese and Figs, Eggplant with harissa sauce and feta cream or Melitzanosalata.
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