Gustoasa, consistenta si usoara sunt cele mai bune cuvinte cu care putem descrie ciorba radauteana. O alternativa la ciorba de burta, aceasta este mult mai lejera, continand pui si legume si fiind desavarsita cu crema de smantana si usturoi. Servita fierbine alaturi de ardei iute si paine proaspata, aceasta ciorba va fi cu siguranta pe placul tuturor.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 750 grame piept si pulpe de pui / 750 grams of chicken breast and thighs
- 3 morcovi / 3 carrots
- 2 bucati patrunjel / 2 pieces of parsley
- 1 pastarnac / 1 parsnip
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 4 bete apio / 4 celery sticks
- 1 ardei / 1 pepper
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 1 lingurita boabe de piper / 1 teaspoon peppercorns
- 3 galbenusuri / 3 egg yolks
- 250 grame smantana / 250 grams sour cream
- 4 linguri otet / 4 tablespoons vinegar
- 3 linguri patrunjel verde tocat fin / 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
- Sare / Salt
Si de aceasta data am ales sa folosesc Tefal One Pot pentru aceasta reteta, deoarece gatind sub presiune reducem timpii de preparare, iar gustul ingredientelor este unul intens. Insa, putem pregati aceasta reteta si in varianta clasica, crescand timpul pentru fiecare pas.
Curatam legumele, le spalam bine si le taiem in bucati grosiere. Eu aveam in frigider pulpe si piept de pui dezosate, insa va incurajez sa alegeti varianta cu os, pentru un plus de savoare.
Fierbem 2 – 2,5 litri de apa si adaugam puiul. Acoperim oala cu capac si alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 15 minute. Depresurizam, adaugam legumele, o lingurita de sare si piperul boabe. Continuam sa gatim, alegand functia „Soup” pentru 20 de minute.
Depresurizam si strecuram supa. Desfacem carnea in fasii si o adaugam in supa. Eu am ales sa nu pastrez legumele, insa puteti sa adaugati la sfarsit in supa si legume taiate marunt, dupa preferinte.
Intr-un bol amestecam usturoiul zdrobit cu galbenusurile si smantana. Adaugam pe rand, 4 – 5 polonice de supa, amestecand constant. Rasturnam compozitia in oala cu supa si carne. Adaugam otetul treptat si gustam astfel incat sa fie pe gustul nostru. In functie de otetul pe care il folositi este posibil sa fie nevoie de mai mult sau mai putin.
Presaram cu patrunjel verde si servim cu ardei iute proaspat sau murat.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Romanian Sour Chicken Soup
Tasty, consistent and light are the best words to describe the Romanian Sour Chicken Soup. An alternative to belly soup, this is much lighter, containing chicken and vegetables and being perfected with cream and garlic. Served hot with hot peppers and fresh bread, this soup will to please everyone.
As always, I chose to use the Tefal One Pot for this recipe, because by cooking under pressure we reduce the cooking times, and the taste of the ingredients is intense. However, we can also prepare this recipe in the traditional version, increasing the time for each step.
Clean the vegetables, wash them well and cut them into coarse pieces. I had boneless chicken legs and breast in the fridge, but I encourage you to choose the version with the bone, for extra flavor.
Boil 2 – 2.5 liters of water and add the chicken. Cover the pot with a lid and choose the pressure cooking function for 15 minutes. Depressurize, add the vegetables, 1 teaspoon of salt and peppercorns. Continue to cook, choosing the „Soup” function for 20 minutes.
Depressurize and strain the soup. Cut the meat into strips and add it to the soup. I chose not to keep the vegetables, but you can add finely chopped vegetables to the soup at the end, according to your preferences.
In a bowl, mix the crushed garlic with the egg yolks and cream. Add 4-5 ladlefuls of soup one at a time, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into the pot with the soup and meat. Add the vinegar gradually and taste so that it is to our taste. Depending on the vinegar you use, you may need more or less.
Sprinkle with green parsley and serve with fresh or pickled hot peppers.
If you liked the recipe for Romanian Sour Chicken Soup , I invite you to try it as well a Transylvanian Soup with Smoked Pork, Tarragon and Sour Cream, a Oyster Mushroom Soup or a Garlic Cream Soup.
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