1 aluat, 2 gusturi, 3 alegeri
Stiti deja ca sunt fan “bucatarie versatila”. Nu prea gatesc de doua ori acelasi lucru, insa de multe ori pastrez baza si cu putina imaginatie creez gusturi noi. Probabil ca aceasta este si definitia cuvantului “reinventat”, atat de folosit in ultima vreme de catre restaurantele cu pretentii.
Sa pornim!
1 aluat … crocant, simplu de executat in casa, cu un gust si o consistenta fantastica, fara “E”-uri sau alte adaosuri “periculoase”.
2 gusturi … dulce sau sarat, dupa preferinte.
3 alegeri … internationale. De ce sa nu facem si o mica expeditie culinara pe mapamond?Franta, Italia si Portugalia. Poposim cate putin in fiecare si ne bucuram de quiche, pizza si pastel de nata.
- 150 grame branza proaspata de vaca / 150 grams fresh cottage cheese
- 150 grame unt / 150 grams butter
- 150 grame faina / 150 grams flour
- Sare / Salt
Intr-un bol amestecam faina, sarea, branza de vaci si untul rece. Framantam repede aluatul, ii dam forma de bila si il punem la frigider timp de cateva ore, chiar si pana a doua zi.
Infainam blatul de lucru si intindem aluatul cu ajutorul unui sucitor intr-o foaie subtire de jumatate de centimetru. Apoi urmeaza prelucrarea in functie de tara in care dorim sa poposim. 🙂
Franta & Mini Quiche
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 100 ml smantana dulce / 100 ml double cream
- 100 ml lapte / 100 ml milk
- 100 grame amestec branzeturi / 100 grams mix cheese
- 5 – 6 ciuperci / 5 – 6 ciuperci
- Gorgonzola / Gorgonzola cheese
- Sare / Salt
Batem ouale cu sare, smantana dulce si lapte. Curatam ciupercile si le taiem felii subtiri. Le tragem la tigaie 2 – 3 minute cu foarte putin ulei de masline. Pentru mixul de branzeturi va recomand sa alegeti sortimentele care va plac. Eu am ales mozzarella uscata, parmezan si cascaval de Horezu (toate date pe razatoare).
Taiem aluatul cu o forma rotunda si il asezam in tava de briose. Adaugam branzeturile in fiecare forma. Eu am ales sa pun in jumatate din mini quiche-uri ciuperci si in a doua jumatate cateva bucatele de gorgonzola. Deasupra turnam amestecul de oua si lactate. Coacem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade timp de 15 – 20 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Italia & Mini Pizza
- 100 grame amestec branzeturi / 100 grams mix cheese
- 5 – 6 ciuperci / 5 – 6 ciuperci
- 50 grame bacon
Intindem aluatul sub forma unui dreptunghi. Presaram amestecul de branzeturi (eu am folosit acelasi amestec de la mini quiche). Peste branzeturi punem ciupercile si feliile subtiri de bacon. Daca va place, puteti sa adaugati si bucatele mici de gorgonzola. Rulam aluatul si apoi taiem felii groase de 3 cm, pe care pe asezam intr-o tava de briose cu taietura in sus. Coacem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade timp de 15 – 20 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Portugalia & Pastel de Nata
Am ajuns si la varianta dulce. Desertul specific portughez l-am incercat si cu alte ocazii, insa cu o retinere de fiecare data la aluatul de foietaj din comert. De data asta, am inlocuit foietajul cu acest aluat versatil pastrand aceeasi crema fina de vanilie. Rezultatul a fost spectaculos.
Reteta cremei fine de vanilie si modul de preparare il gasiti aici.
English version:
1 dough, 2 flavors, 3 choices
You already know I’m a „versatile kitchen” fan. I don’t really cook the same thing twice, but many times I keep the base and with a little imagination I create new tastes. Probably this is the definition of the word „reinvented”, so used lately by fancy restaurants.
Let’s go!
1 dough … crispy, easy to make at home, with a fantastic taste and consistency, without „E”-s or other „dangerous” additions.
2 tastes … sweet or salty, according to each preferences.
3 choises … international. Let’s have a little culinary journey around the world: France, Italy and Portugal. We stop in each and enjoy quiche, pizza and a pastel de nata.
For the dough, mix in a bowl the flour, salt, cottage cheese and cold butter. We knead the dough quickly, shape it into a ball and put it in the fridge for a few hours, even until the next day.
Flour the worktop and spread the dough with a rolling pin in a thin sheet of half a centimeter. Then follows the processing depending on the country in which we want to stop. 🙂
Franta & Mini Quiche
Beat eggs with salt, double cream and milk. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices. Fry them for 2-3 minutes olive oil. For the cheese mix, I recommend you to choose the assortments you like. I chose dried mozzarella, parmesan and a local Romanian cheese (all grated).
Cut the dough into a round shape and place it in the muffin tray. Add the cheeses in each shape. I chose to put half of the mushroom mini quiches and a few pieces of gorgonzola in the second half. Pour the mixture of eggs and dairy on top. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes until nicely browned.
Italia & Mini Pizza
Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Sprinkle the cheese mixture (I used the same from mini quiche mixture). Put the mushrooms and thin slices of bacon over the cheeses. If you like, you can also add small pieces of gorgonzola. Roll the dough and then cut 3 cm thick slices, which we place in a muffin tray with the cut up. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes until nicely browned.
Portugalia & Pastel de Nata
Finally, reached the sweet version. I tried the specific Portuguese dessert on other occasions, but this time, I replaced the puff pastry with this versatile dough keeping the same fine vanilla cream. The result was spectacular.
The recipe for fine vanilla cream and how to prepare it can be found here.