Daca esti in cautarea unui mic dejun delicios, sanatos si plin de energie, Tiramisu Chia Pudding este alegerea perfecta. Acest desert delicios nu doar ca satisface pofta de dulce, dar este si o optiune hranitoare, plina de nutrienti esentiali pentru inceputul zilei. Semintele de chia sunt o sursa excelenta de acizi grasi omega-3, proteine si fibre, iar iaurtul grecesc adauga un plus de proteine si probiotice, contribuind la un sistem digestiv sanatos. In plus, indulcitorul Green Sugar asigura o dulceata fara zahar adaugat, iar espresso-ul ofera o nota subtila de cafea, care face acest preparat si mai special. Usor de pregatit si perfect pentru zilele in care vrei ceva rapid, dar hranitor, Tiramisu Chia Pudding este nu doar o alegere sanatoasa, ci si o varianta de desert care te va impresiona. Incearca-l si bucura-te de un mic dejun proteic si delicios, care iti va da energie pentru intreaga zi!

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 50 grame seminte chia
- 200 ml lapte
- 3 linguri indulcitor Green Sugar
- 1 praf de sare
- 1 lingurita vanilie
- 1 espresso
- 300 grame iaurt grecesc 2%
- 2 lingurite cacao

Intr-un bol, combinam seminte de chia cu laptele, cele doua linguri de indulcitor, un praf de sare, esenta de vanilie si espresso-ul. Amestecam bine si lasam amestecul sa se hidrateze timp de 30 de minute, avand grija sa amestecam din cand in cand.
Dupa acest timp, adaugam iaurtul (200 de grame), amestecam temeinic si lasam amestecul sa se odihneasca cateva ore inainte de a-l servi.

Impartim compozitia de chia in doua pahare, iar deasupra punem un strat obtinut din 100 de grame de iaurt amestecat cu o lingura de indulcitor.

Finalizam cu o pudra fina de cacao si servim cu multa pofta, pentru un mic dejun cu adevarat delicios.

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English version
Tiramisu Chia Pudding
If you are looking for a perfect breakfast, Tiramisu Chia Pudding is the perfect choice. This delicious dessert not only satisfies your sweet cravings but is also a nutritious option, full of essential nutrients to kickstart your day. Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, while Greek yogurt adds an extra boost of protein and probiotics, contributing to a healthy digestive system. Additionally, the Green Sugar sweetener ensures sweetness without added sugar, and the espresso provides a subtle coffee note, making this treat even more special. Easy to prepare and perfect for days when you want something quick yet nourishing, Tiramisu Chia Pudding is not just a healthy choice, but also a dessert that will impress you. Try it and enjoy a delicious and protein-packed breakfast that will give you energy for the entire day!
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 50 grams chia seeds
- 200 ml milk
- 3 tablespoons Green Sugar sweetener
- A pinch of salt
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 espresso
- 300 grams Greek yogurt (2%)
- 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
In a bowl, combine the chia seeds with the milk, two tablespoons of sweetener, a pinch of salt, vanilla essence, and espresso. Stir well and let the mixture hydrate for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
After this time, add the yogurt (200 grams), mix thoroughly, and let the mixture rest for a few hours before serving.
Divide the chia mixture into two glasses, then top with a layer made from 100 grams of yogurt mixed with one tablespoon of sweetener.
Finish with a fine dusting of cocoa powder and serve with great enjoyment, for a truly delicious breakfast.
If you liked the Tiramisu Chia Pudding recipe, I invite you to try Chia Pudding with Raspberry, Pomegranate and Pistachio, Porridge with autumn flavors or a
Mango Panna Cotta Cheesecake.
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