Salutare, dragi iubitori de gastronomie si aventuri culinare! Azi, va invit sa exploram impreuna o reteta care va aduce un strop de savoare: Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs. Aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru cei care isi doresc sa incerce ceva nou si sa adauge un plus de personalitate mesei de dimineata sau brunch-ului de weekend. Aceasta reteta nu numai ca este delicioasa, dar este si un mod minunat de a incepe ziua cu energie si un zambet pe buze. Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs, sau in traducere libera, oua ochiuri cu branza crocanta usor picante, este o combinatie irezistibila de texturi si arome. Cu ingrediente simple si o pregatire rapida, aceasta reteta este ideala pentru zilele aglomerate cand timpul nu este de partea noastra.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 1 portie)
- 2 oua
- 1 lingurita ulei de masline
- 1 lingurita chilli
- 30 grame cascaval
- Sare
Pregatirea acestei retete este extrem de simpla. Incalzim o tigaie mica si o ungem cu o lingurita de ulei de masline.
Adaugam o lingurita de pasta de chilli si cascavalul razuit. Lasam pe foc mediu timp de 30 de secunde, apoi adaugam ouale si continuam sa gatim pana cand acestea ajung la consistenta dorita.
Presaram cu ceapa verde tocata marunt si servim cu paine proaspata, iar pentru un plus de prospetime putem adauga si o salata de legume.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs
Hello, dear lovers of gastronomy and culinary adventures! Today, I invite you to explore together a recipe that will bring you a touch of flavor: Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs. This recipe is perfect for those who want to try something new and add more personality to their morning meal or weekend brunch. This recipe is not only delicious, but it is also a wonderful way to start the day with energy and a smile on your face. Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs, or in translation, eggs with slightly spicy crispy cheese, is an irresistible combination of textures and flavors. With simple ingredients and quick preparation, this recipe is ideal for busy days when time is not on our side.
INGREDIENTS (for 1 serving)
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 teaspoon chili
- 30 grams of cheese
- Salt
The preparation of this recipe is extremely simple. Heat a small pan and grease it with a teaspoon of olive oil.
Add a teaspoon of chili paste and grated cheese. Leave on medium heat for 30 seconds, then add eggs and continue cooking until they reach the desired consistency.
Sprinkle with finely chopped green onions and serve with fresh bread, and for freshness flavour we can also add a vegetable salad.
If you liked the Chilli-Cheese Fried Eggs recipe, I invite you to try Turkish Poached Eggs with Avocado, Creamy Spinach with Sunny Side up Eggs or Eggs Benedict & English Muffins.
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