Tarta italiana cu visine este un desert delicios, perfect pentru orice ocazie speciala. Cu un aluat fin si o umplutura de gem de visine, acest preparat aduce in farfurie un echilibru perfect intre dulceata si aciditate. Facuta cu unt proaspat, coaja de lamaie si nuci crocante, tarta este un adevarat rasfat culinar, ideala pentru a fi servita alaturi de o cupa de inghetata de vanilie.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 12 portii)
- 150 grame unt
- 2 lingurite coaja de lamaie
- 300 grame faina
- 100 grame zahar
- 3 galbenusuri
- 20 ml lapte
- 300 grame dulceata de visine
- 50 grame nuci
- Sare
Intr-un bol, punem faina, zaharul, untul rece, sarea, galbenusurile si coaja de lamaie. Framantam rapid, fie manual, fie cu ajutorul unui mixer, pana obtinem un aluat omogen. Acesta se rastorna pe o folie alimentara, se impacheteaza si se introduce la frigider pentru o ora.
Din doua treimi din aluat intindem o foaie pe care o asezam intr-o forma pentru tarta, tapetand si peretii acesteia. Peste aluat turnam gemul de visine. Din restul de aluat intindem o alta foaie, din care taiem fasii subtiri de aproximativ 1 cm latime, pe care le dispunem sub forma de grilaj deasupra tartei. Ungem aluatul cu lapte si presaram nuca macinata pe marginea tartei.
Coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute.
Servim tarta rece, alaturi de inghetata de vanilie.
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English version
Italian Sour Cherry Tart
Italian cherry tart is a delicious dessert, perfect for any special occasion. With a delicate crust and a filling of cherry jam, this treat brings a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity to the plate. Made with fresh butter, lemon zest, and crunchy nuts, the tart is a true culinary indulgence, ideal for serving alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
INGREDIENTS (for 12 servings)
- 150 grams butter
- 2 teaspoons lemon zest
- 300 grams flour
- 100 grams sugar
- 3 egg yolks
- 20 ml milk
- 300 grams sour cherry jam
- 50 grams nuts
- Salt
In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cold butter, salt, egg yolks, and lemon zest. Quickly knead by hand or with a mixer until a smooth dough forms. Turn the dough onto a piece of plastic wrap, wrap it up, and place it in the fridge for one hour.
Roll out two-thirds of the dough into a sheet and place it into a tart pan, lining the sides as well. Pour the cherry jam over the dough. Roll out the remaining dough into another sheet and cut it into thin strips about 1 cm wide. Arrange the strips in a lattice pattern over the tart. Brush the dough with milk and sprinkle ground nuts around the edge of the tart.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 30 minutes.
Serve the tart cold, alongside vanilla ice cream.
If you enjoyed this Italian cherry tart recipe, I invite you to try Strudel with Apples and Vanilla Ice Cream, Raspberry Tiramisu and Pistachio Cheesecake or a Paris-Brest.
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