Un bol usor cu branza de vaci asezonata cu legume din plin. Pregatim pentru mic dejun, gustare sau pranz un Cottage Cheese Bowl, bogat in proteine si vitamine? Pe cat de simplu de facut, pe atat de sanatos.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 2 cutii cottage cheese / 2 cottage cheese
- 2 castraveti / 2 cucumbers
- 4 ridichi / 4 radishes
- 4 cepe verzi / 4 scallions
- 1 lingurita sumac / 1 teaspoon sumac
- 2 lingurite ulei de masline / 2 teaspoon olive oil
- Sare / Salt

Curatam legumele si taiem castravetii sub forma de cubulete mici, ridichile in felii subtiri si ceapa verde inele.
Impartim legumele in 2 boluri, adaugam cate o cutie de cottage cheese. Presaram cu sare, sumac si stropim cu cate o lingurita de ulei de masline.

Servim simplu sau alaturi de o salata de rosii marinata cu usturoi si daca nu suntem la dieta cu paine proaspata.

Daca v-a placut Cottage Cheese Bowl, va recomand sa incercati si un Sweet Chilli Salmon Bowl, Quinoa & Halloumi Bowl sau un Salmon Budhha Bowl.
English version
Cottage Cheese Bowl
A light bowl with cottage cheese seasoned with plenty of vegetables. Are we preparing a Cottage Cheese Bowl, rich in proteins and vitamins, for breakfast, snack or lunch? As simple to make, as healthy.
Clean the vegetables and cut the cucumbers into small cubes, the radishes into thin slices and the green onions into rings.
Divide the vegetables into 2 bowls, add a box of cottage cheese each. Sprinkle with salt, sumac and one teaspoon of olive oil.
Serve plain or with a tomato salad marinated with garlic and, if we are not on a diet, with fresh bread.
If you liked the Cottage Cheese Bowl, we recommend you also try a Sweet Chilli Salmon Bowl, Quinoa & Halloumi Bowl or a Salmon Budhha Bowl.
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