Un Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl cu somon afumat este o alegere perfecta pentru un mic dejun dietetic. Iata o reteta super simpla care te va face sa te bucuri de placerea micului dejun. Da frau liber imaginatiei si adauga ingrediente suplimentare in functie de preferintele culinare.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 50 grame somon afumat
- 200 grame cottage cheese
- 2 oua
- 1/2 castravete
- 2 fire de ceapa verde
- 1 lingurita mix de seminte de susan
- Sare
- Fulgi de chilli

Pentru aceasta reteta spalam legumele si le taiem in cubulete mici. Intre timp fierbem ouale mediu, timp de 8 minute.

Impartim branza de vaci in doua boluri in mod egal, adaugam castravetele, somonul afumat si oul fiert taiat pe jumatate.

Presaram cu seminte de susan, fulgi de chilli si servim cu o felie de paine prajita.

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English version
Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl
A Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl with smoked salmon is a perfect choice for a delicious and nutritious breakfast. Here is a super simple recipe that will make you enjoy the pleasure of breakfast. Free to your imagination and add additional ingredients according to your culinary preferences.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 50 grams smoked salmon
- 200 grams cottage cheese
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 cucumber
- 2 scallions
- 1 teaspoon mix of sesame seeds
- Salt
- Chilli flakes
For this recipe, wash the vegetables and cut them into small cubes. In the meantime, boil eggs on medium for 8 minutes.
Divide the cottage cheese into two bowls equally, add the cucumbers, the smoked salmon and the boiled egg cut in half.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds, chili flakes and serve with a slice of toast bread.
If you liked the Cottage Cheese Breakfast Bowl recipe, I invite you to try Whipped Cottage Cheese and Marinated Tomatoes, Cottage Cheese Bowl or Crushed Cucumbers, Sumac, Radishes and Onions Salad.
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