English Muffins Breakfast


In meniurile restaurantelor care ofera mic dejun, gasiti invariabil celebrele English Muffins. Dar de ce sa nu incercam si acasa un English Muffins Breakfast? Este un mic dejun senzational. O chifla calda insotita de oua, cascaval si bacon. Eu am ales o reteta simpla de Muffins pe care le-am pregatit intr-o tigaie pe aragaz, in loc de cuptor.

English Muffins Breakfast


(pentru 10 portii / for 10 servings)

  • 3 cani faina / 3 cups flour
  • 1 1/4 cana apa calda / 1 1/4 cups warm water
  • 1 lingurita zahar / 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 25 grame drojdie proaspata / 25 grams fresh yeast
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 linguri malai / 3 tablespoons corn flour
  • Felii de bacon / Bacon slices
  • Oua / Eggs
  • Cascaval / Hard cheese
English Muffins Breakfast

Amestecam intr-un pahar drojdia, apa calda si zaharul si lasam timp de 10 minute. Turnam apoi acest amestec peste faina si incepem sa framantam. Adaugam sarea si uleiul de masline continuand sa framantam.

Formam din aluat o bila si il asezam intr-un bol uns cu foarte putin ulei de masline. Acoperim cu un prosop si lasam la dospit timp de o ora pana cand isi dubleaza volumul.

Dupa ce aluatul este dospit, il rasturnam pe masa pe care am presarat anterior malaiul si il framantam de cateva ori. Impartim aluatul in 10 parti egale pe care le modelam sub forma de sfere si apoi le presam cu palma pentru a obtine niste rondele plate. Le presaram cu putin malai, le acoperim cu un prosop si le lasam sa creasca 20 de minute.

English Muffins Breakfast

Se incalzeste o tigaie si se unge cu foarte putin ulei. Prajim painicile pe rand, sub capac la foc mic, timp de 9 minute pe o parte pana cand sunt frumos rumenite. Intoarcem si mai gatim inca 5 minute. Lasam English Muffins la racit pe un gratar de bucatarie.

Pana cand se racesc, prajim baconul pe ambele parti si pregatim ouale. Pentru fiecare muffins luam in considerare 50 grame bacon, 1 ou, 2 feliute de cascaval. Pregatim ouale ochiuri. Pe fiecare ochi adaugam feliile de cascaval si acoperim cu un capac pana cand cascavalul este topit. Asezam pe fiecare jumatate de muffins cate un ou si acoperim cu bacon si a doua jumatate de chifla.

English Muffins Breakfast

Servim English Muffins calde cu multa pofta alaturi de o cafea.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

English Muffins Breakfast

Daca v-a placut reteta de English Muffins Breakfast, va invit sa incercati si un Morning Burger, un Club Sandwich Breakfast sau Bagel Breakfast.

English version

English Muffins Breakfast

In the menus of restaurants that offer breakfast, you invariably find the famous English Muffins. But why not try an English Muffins Breakfast at home? It is a sensational breakfast. A hot bun accompanied by eggs, cheese and bacon. I chose a simple recipe for Muffins that I prepared in a pan on the stove, instead of the oven.

Mix the yeast, warm water and sugar in a glass and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour this mixture over the flour and start kneading. Add salt and olive oil, continuing to knead.

Form a ball from the dough and place it in a bowl greased with a small quantity of olive oil. Cover with a towel and leave to rise for an hour until it doubles in volume.

Turn it over on the table on which previously sprinkled the corn flour and knead it several times. Divide the dough into 10 equal parts that shape into spheres and then press them with the palm of our hands to obtain some flat rounds. Sprinkle them with a little oil, cover them with a towel and let them rise for 20 minutes.

Heat a pan and grease it with a small quantity of oil. Fry the bread in a row, under the lid on lowheat, for 9 minutes on one side until they are nicely browned. Turn over and cook for another 5 minutes. Let the English Muffins cool on a kitchen grill.

Until they cool down, fry the bacon on both sides and prepare the eggs. For each muffin, consider 50 grams of bacon, 1 egg, 2 slices of cheese. Then prepare the fried eggs. On each egg, add the slices of cheese and cover with a lid until the cheese is melted. Place an egg on each half of the muffins and cover with bacon and the second half of the bun.

Serve the English Muffins warm with great appetite and a coffee.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the English Muffins Breakfast recipe, I invite you to try a Morning Burger, a Club Sandwich Breakfast or a Bagel Breakfast.


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