Involtini di pollo, un deliciu italian care imbina savoarea pieptului de pui cu textura bogata a suncii prosciutto si mozzarella topita, este o reteta care va aduce un strop de bucurie in orice masa. Acest preparat, simplu dar elegant, este perfect pentru o cina in familie. Incepand cu ingrediente de calitate si urmand pasii simpli de pregatire, veti obtine un fel de mancare care nu doar ca va arata spectaculos pe farfurie, dar va si exploda cu arome in fiecare muscatura. Servit alaturi de o salata verde crocanta si cartofi noi, aromatizati si gatiti la ceaun, Involtini di pollo este o alegere excelenta pentru cei care doresc sa experimenteze gustul autentic al Italiei, chiar la ei acasa.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 800 grame piept de pui feliat
- 150 grame prosciutto cotto
- 100 grame mozzarella
- 2 linguri malai
- 2 linguri ulei
- Sare

Modul de pregatire este foarte simplu. Presaram fiecare felie de piept de pui cu sare si lasam minim o ora la frigider, apoi cu ajutorul unui ciocan de carne batem usor feliile de piept de pui pe ambele parti.
Pe fiecare felie de carne asezam o felie de prosciutto crudo si cate o felie de mozzarella. Rulam pieptul de pui umplut si taiem in bucati egale de 2,5 – 3 cm.

Punem intr-un bol malaiul si trecem fiecare rulou prin faina astfel incat sa fie acoperite pe toate partile.

Ungem o forma termorezistenta cu foarte putin ulei si asezam rulourile de pui unul langa altul. Stropim cu restul de ulei si introducem in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute.
Servim alaturi de salata verde si cartofi noi la „ceaun” a caror reteta o gasiti aici.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Involtini di pollo va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Involtini di pollo
Involtini di pollo, an Italian delicacy that combines the flavor of chicken breast with the rich texture of prosciutto ham and melted mozzarella, is a recipe that will bring a touch of joy to any meal. This simple but elegant dish is perfect for a family dinner. Starting with quality ingredients and following simple preparation steps, you will get a kind of food that will not only look spectacular on the plate, but will also explode with flavors in every bite. Served with a crunchy green salad and new potatoes, flavored and cooked in the cauldron, Involtini di pollo is an excellent choice for those who want to experience the authentic taste of Italy, right at home.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 800 grams sliced chicken breast
- 150 grams prosciutto cotto
- 100 grams mozzarella
- 2 tablespoons corn flour
- 2 tablespoons oil
- Salt
The method of preparation is very simple. Sprinkle each slice of chicken breast with salt and leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour, then with the help of a meat mallet, lightly beat the slices of chicken breast on both sides.
Place a slice of prosciutto cotto and a slice of mozzarella on each slice of meat. Roll the stuffed chicken breast and cut it into equal pieces of 2.5 – 3 cm.
Put the corn flour in a bowl and pass each roll through so that they are covered on all sides.
Grease a heat-resistant form with a small quantity of oil and place the chicken rolls next to each other. Sprinkle with the rest of the oil and put in the oven at 170 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
Serve with green salad and new potatoes whose recipe you can find here.
If you liked the Involtini di pollo recipe, I invite you to try Baked Chicken Breast with Mashed Potatoes, Chicken Nuggets with Mozzarella and Parmesan or Chicken Shaorma.
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