Esti in cautarea unei retete usoare si pline de savoare pentru a adauga un strop de prospetime meniului tau? Daca da, atunci esti in locul potrivit! Astazi vom explora o reteta simpla si delicioasa: zucchini cu sos de iaurt si feta, care nu doar ca iti va incanta papilele gustative, dar iti va oferi si o portie sanatoasa de nutrienti. Cu ingrediente proaspete si pasi usor de urmat, aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru o cina rapida si hranitoare sau chiar ca o gustare racoritoare in zilele calduroase de vara.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 1 zucchini
- 150 grame iaurt
- 100 grame ricotta
- 50 ml smantana dulce
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 50 grame feta
- 1 lingurita ulei
- 1/4 lingurita fulgi de chilli
- Sare
Spalam dovlecelul si il taiem in felii subtiri, de aproximativ 0,5 cm. Presaram cu sare si lasam 15 minute. Stergem apoi fiecare felie cu un servet absorbant. Incingem o tigaie grill si o ungem cu foarte putin ulei de masline. Gatim feliile de dovlecel la foc mediu, cate 2 – 3 minute pe fiecare parte pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Intre timp pregatim crema de iaurt. Punem intr-un blender cateii de usturoi, iaurtul, smantana dulce, ricotta si jumatate din cantitatea de branza feta. Mixam bine pana obtinem o crema fina.
Intr-o farfurie adanca asezam un strat de crema de iaurt cu feta si feliile de zucchini.
Presaram cu restul de branza feta sfaramata si cu fulgi de chilli si servim simpli sau ca si garnitura.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca ti-a placut reteta de Zucchini cu sos de iaurt si feta, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Zucchini with Yogurt and Feta Dip
Are you looking for an easy and flavorful recipe to add a touch of freshness to your menu? If yes, then you are in the right place! Today we will explore a simple and delicious recipe: zucchini with yogurt and feta dip, which will not only delight your taste buds, but also provide you with a healthy portion of nutrients. With fresh ingredients and easy to follow steps, this recipe is perfect for a quick and nutritious dinner or even as a refreshing snack on hot summer days.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 1 zucchini
- 150 grams yogurt
- 100 grams ricotta
- 50 ml double cream
- 2 cloves garlic
- 50 grams feta
- 1 teaspoon oil
- 1/4 teaspoon chili flakes
- Salt
Wash the zucchini and cut it into thin slices, about 0.5 cm. Sprinkle with salt and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe each slice with an absorbent napkin. Heat a grill pan and grease it with one teaspoon of olive oil. Cook the zucchini slices on medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side until they are nicely browned.
In the meantime, prepare the yogurt cream. Put garlic cloves, yogurt, double cream, ricotta and half of the amount of feta cheese in a blender. Mix well until we get a fine cream.
In a deep plate, place a layer of yogurt cream with feta, zucchini slices.
Sprinkle with the rest of the crumbled feta cheese and chili flakes and serve plain or as a side dish.
If you liked the Zucchini with Yogurt and Feta Dip, I invite you to try Crushed Cucumbers, Sumac, Radishes and Onions Salad, Eggplant with harissa sauce and feta cream or Turkish eggs with spicy butter and feta cream.
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