Cu gandul la mesele servite la tavernele de pe plajele grecesti, cu soarele apunand in mare, ne amintim de cele mai bune fructe de mare. Caracatita, calamarul si hamsiile sunt un trio perfect servit alaturi de legume proaspete, lipii calde si sos tzatiki, cu arome subtile de ulei de masline si lamaie.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 750 grame tentacule caracatita / 750 grams octopus tentacles
- 1 calamar / 1 calamari
- 500 grame hamsii / 500 grams anchovies
- 80 grame feta / 80 grams feta cheese
- 10 masline kalamata / 10 kalamata olives
- 1 ardei kapia mic / 1 small red pepper
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 1 lamaie / 1 lemon
- 1 lingura patrunjel / 1 tablespoon parsley
- Ulei de masline / Olive oil
- Sare / Salt
- Ulei pentru prajit / Frying oil
- 2 linguri faina / 2 tablespoons flour

Pentru a pregati caracatita, puteti alege tentacule prefierte sau proaspete. Daca alegeti varianta de caracatita proaspata, regasiti mai jos modul video de preparare. Practic, fierbem apa intr-o oala. In momentul in care apa clocoteste, adaugam o lingurita de sare si sucul de la jumatate de lamaie. Scufundam tentaculele de caracatita de 3 ori in apa fierbinte, apoi le lasam sa fiarba timp de 40 de minute. In cazul in care folosim caracatita prefiarta, sarim acest pas si trecem direct la marinare. Scurgem apoi caracatita si o stropim cu un dressing din jumatate de lamaie, 4 linguri de ulei de masline si sare. Lasam la marinat timp de cateva ore si apoi pregatim caracatita pe gratarul uns cu putin ulei de masline. Servim caracatita cu o salata de ardei kapia, ceapa rosie, sare si ulei de masline.

Scurt tutorial video pentru pregatirea caracatitei:
Intre timp pregatim si calamarul. Il curatam si il spalam bine. Pentru umplutura amestecam branza feta, 1/4 ardei kapia taiat cubulete si masline taiate felii. Umplem calamarul si il prindem cu o scobitoare. Incingem tigaia grill si o ungem cu putin ulei de masline. Adaugam calamarul si il rasucim pe toate partile pana cand este frumos rumenit. Din cand in cand, in timpul pregatirii il ungem cu ulei de masline. Il scoatem pe o farfurie si il stropim cu dressing de ulei de masline, lamaie si patrunjel.

Scurt tutorial video pentru pregatirea calamarului:
Curatam si spalam hamsiile, le presaram cu sare si le trecem prin faina. Le prajim in baie de ulei incis.

Servim platourile cu sos tzatiki, salata de ceapa rosie, lipii si multa pofta!

English version:
Having in mind the dinners served at the taverns on the Greek beaches, with the perfect sunset in the sea, we have remembered the best seafood. Octopus, calamari and anchovies are a perfect trio served with fresh vegetables, pita bread and tzatiki sauce, with subtle aromas of olive oil and lemon.
To prepare the octopus, you can choose pre-cooked or fresh tentacules. If you choose the fresh octopus version, you can find the cooking video in this post. Basically, boil water in a pot. When the water boils, add a teaspoon of salt and the juice of half a lemon. Immerse the octopus tentacles in hot water 3 times, then let them boil for 40 minutes. If we use pre-cooked octopus, skip this step and go directly to marinating. Then drain the octopus and sprinkle it with half a lemon dressing, 4 tablespoons of olive oil and salt. Leave to marinate for a few hours and then prepare the octopus on the grill greased with a little olive oil. Serve the octopus with a salad of red peppers, red onions, salt and olive oil.
Meanwhile, prepare the calamari. Clean it and wash it well. For the filling, mix the feta cheese, 1/4 red pepper cut into cubes and sliced olives. Fill the calamari and sealed it with a toothpick. Grease the grill with olive oil and fry the calamari on all sides, greasing it with olive oil on all sides constantly, until it is lightly browned. Take it out on a plate and sprinkle it with olive oil, lemon and parsley dressing.
Clean and wash the anchovies, sprinkle them with salt and pass them through the flour. Fry them in a hot oil bath.
Serve the dishes with tzatiki sauce, red onion salad, , pita bread and lots of appetite!
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