Astăzi, punem in valoare clasicul ou prajit intr-o combinatie unica de unt picant si crema feta. Oua perfect prajite, usor sarate, cu gust picant, cremos, asortat cu arome proaspete de legume. Adaugati o felie de paine integrala si veti avea cel mai delicios mic dejun.
Ouale sunt mancarea preferata a multora dintre noi, indiferent de forma de preparare: omleta, fierte, prajite… Sunt usor de pregatit si nu veti da niciodata gres cu ele.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 300 grame iaurt grecesc / 300 grams greek yogurt
- 100 grame branza feta/ 100 grams feta cheese
- 1/2 avocado / 1/2 avocado
- Mix de salata verde / Mix green salad
- Castravete / Cucumber
- Mix de seminte de susan / Sesame mix seeds
- 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
Modul de preparare este extrem de simplu. Primul pas este pregatirea cremei de feta: punem intr-un mixer iaurtul, branza feta si 2 linguri de ulei de masline. Mixam pana cand obtinem o crema fina.
Pentru sosul de unt picant, incalzim intr-o tigaie mica untul. In momentul in care este topit adaugam 2 linguri ulei de masline, sare si fulgi de chilli.
Pregatim ouale ochiuri si le servim pe un pat de crema de feta, cu mix de salata verde, castraveti si avocado, seminte de susan si sos de unt picant. Nu uitam de painea integrala!
Incercati si oua turcesti in varianta cu crema de iaurt si sos de unt picant. Gasiti reteta aici.
English version:
Turkish eggs with spicy butter and feta cream
Today, we highlight the classic fried egg with a unique combination of spicy butter and feta cream. Perfectly fried eggs, slightly salted, with a spicy, creamy taste matched with fresh vegetable flavors. Add a slice of wholemeal bread and you will have the most delicious breakfast.
The recipes is extremely simple. First step is to prepare the feta cream: put the yogurt, feta cheese and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a mixer and blend.
For the spicy butter sauce, heat the butter in a small pan. When it is melted, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and chilli flakes.
Prepare fried eggs and serve them on a bed of feta cream, with a mix of green salad, cucumber and avocado, sesame seeds and spicy butter sauce. Do not forget the wholemeal bread!
Tried Turkish eggs in another version with yogurt cream and spicy butter sauce. Find the recipe here.
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