Una dintre cele mai creative si delicioase idei de mic dejun este reprezentata de aceste barcute cu oua! Painea crocanta la exterior, dar super moale in centru, umpluta cu branza si oua – vom avea cel mai bun mic dejun sau brunch. Daca nu stiti cu ce sa va mai impresionati familia, alegeti aceasta reteta inedita.
(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
- 2 baghete / 2 baguettes
- 6 oua / 6 eggs
- 6 lingurite ulei de masline / 6 teaspoons olive oil
- 150 grame cascaval ras / 150 grams grated hard cheese
- 30 grame parmezan / 30 grams parmesan
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
- Sare / Salt
Pentru aceasta reteta alegem baghete putin mai late iar cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit vom face 3 „buzunare” adanci, cu mare grija astfel incat sa nu strapungem painea.
In fiecare buzunar vom pune o lingurita de ulei de masline, cascavalul impartit in mod egal, cate un ou, sare si presaram cu parmezan ras fin.
Introducem in cuptorul incins la 175 grade Celsius pentru 20 de minute, pana cand albusul este coagulat. Daca va plac ouale mai bine gatite, cresteti timpul cu 3 – 4 minute.
Presaram cu patrunjel verde tocat marunt si servim cu prosciutto crudo, mix de masline si salata de rosii cu usturoi.
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English version
Eggs Canoe
One of the most creative and delicious breakfast ideas is represented by these Eggs Canoe! The bread is crispy on the outside, but super soft in the center, filled with cheese and eggs for the best breakfast or brunch. If you don’t know what to impress your family with, choose this delicious recipe.
For this recipe, choose slightly wider baguettes and with the help of a well-sharpened knife we will make 3 deep „pockets”, very carefully so as not to pierce the bread.
In each pocket put a teaspoon of olive oil, equally divided cheese, an egg each, salt and sprinkle with finely grated Parmesan cheese.
Place in the oven heated to 175 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, until the egg white is coagulated. If you like better cooked eggs, increase the time by 3 – 4 minutes.
Sprinkle with finely chopped green parsley and serve with prosciutto crudo, olives and garlic tomato salad.
If you liked the recipe of Eggs Canoe I invite you to try a Toast Caprese with Poached Eggs, a Baked Eggs in Ricotta and Prosciutto Crust or a Chorizo and Eggs Breakfast Skillet.