Aceasta reteta de pui cu sos de ciuperci si smantana este una dintre cele mai inspirate idei pentru o cina. Rapid si usor de preparat poate fi servit in jumatate de ora. Daca esti in cautarea unui pranz sau a unei cine fara efort, aceasta este reteta potrivita. Reteta de pui in sos cremos cu ciuperci este una dintre preferatele noastre. Ingredientele simple si timpul scurt de pregatire o intruchipeaza in reteta ideala pentru o masa in familie.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 8 pulpe de pui dezosate / 8 boneless chicken thighs
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 20 grame unt / 20 grams butter
- 500 grame ciuperci / 500 grams mushrooms
- 1/4 lingurita piper cu lamaie / 1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- 6 catei de usturoi / 6 garlic cloves
- 1/2 cana supa de pui / 1/2 cup chicken soup
- 1 lingura suc de lamaie / 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- Sare / Salt
Curatam pulpele de pui si le spalam. Le stergem cu un servet absobant, apoi le presaram cu sare si piper cu lamaie. Le lasam la rece 2 – 3 ore.
Incingem o tigaie si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline. Adaugam pulpele de pui si le prajim pe ambele parti, la foc mediu, cate 8 minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite. Scoatem pulpele intr-un bol si le lasam deoparte.
Adaugam in tigaie untul si cand se topeste adaugam ciupercile taiate felii, oregano si sare. Gatim ciupercile la foc mare pana cand apa se evapora si ciupercile se rumenesc usor. Scoatem ciupercile intr-un bol.
Adaugam in tigaie usturoiul taiat marunt, supa de pui, sucul de lamaie si mustarul. Se amesteca bine pana cand mustarul se dizolva si lasam la foc mic 2 minute. Adaugam smantana dulce si mai lasam pe foc mic 2 minute. Adaugam ciupercile si puiul si mai gatim 3 – 4 minute.
Servim puiul cu sos de ciuperci si smantana cu fasole verde sotata cu usturoi.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
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English version
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
This recipe for creamy mushroom chicken is one of the most inspired ideas for a dinner. Quick and easy and can be served in half an hour. If you are looking for an effortless lunch or dinner, this is the right recipe. The chicken in creamy sauce with mushrooms recipe is one of our favorites. Simple ingredients and short preparation time make it the ideal recipe for a family dinner.
Clean the chicken thighs and wash them. Wipe them with an absorbent napkin, then sprinkle them with salt and pepper with lemon. Let them cool for 2-3 hours.
Heat a pan and add a spoonful of olive oil. Add the chicken thighs and fry them on both sides, on medium heat, for 8 minutes until they are nicely browned. Remove the chicken in a bowl and leave it aside.
Add the butter to the pan and when it melts, add the sliced mushrooms, oregano and salt. Cook the mushrooms over high heat until the water evaporates and the mushrooms are lightly browned. Take out the mushrooms in a bowl.
Add finely chopped garlic, chicken soup, lemon juice and mustard to the pan. Mix well until the mustard dissolves and leave on low heat for 2 minutes. Add the double cream and leave on low heat for another 2 minutes.
Add the mushrooms and the chicken and cook for another 3-4 minutes.
Serve the chicken with mushroom sauce and sour cream with green beans sautéed with garlic.
If you liked the recipe for Chicken with mushroom sauce and cream, I invite you to try Roast Chicken Legs, Chicken in Vegetables Brine or Chicken. with Garlic Sauce.
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