Rulouri cu scortisoara sau un adevarat rasfat de sarbatoare. Pregatim totul cu o zi inainte, iar dimineata ne bucuram la micul dejun de rulouri calde in crusta caramelizata aromate cu scortisoara si portocala. Asadar nu asteptati doar o ocazie speciala, ci rasfatati-va din cand in cand cu un mic dejun perfect.

(pentru 12 portii / for 12 servings)
Pentru aluat / For dough
- 500 grame faina / 500 grams flour
- 30 grame drojdie proaspata / 30 grams fresh yeast
- 2 lingurite coaja de portocala / 2 teaspoons orange zest
- 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
- 200 ml lapte cald / 200 ml warm milk
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 100 grame unt la temperatura camerei / 100 grams butter room temperature
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
Pentru umplutura / For filling
- 150 grame zahar brun / 150 grams brown sugar
- 2 lingurite scortisoara / 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 125 grame unt la temperatura camerei / 125 grams butter room temperature
- 1 lingurita mica fulgi de sare / 1 small teaspoon salt flakes
Pentru glazura / For frosting
- 100 grame mascarpone / 100 grams mascarpone
- 50 grame zahar pudra / 50 grams powder sugar
- 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla flavor
- 2 linguri miere / 2 tablespoons honey
- 5 lingurite apa fierbinte / 5 teaspoons hot water

Pentru aluat, amestecam intr-o cana zaharul, drojdia si laptele cald. In vasul mixerului punem faina, ouale, sarea, zaharul, coaja de portocala si amestecul de lapte. Framantam cu ajutorul mixerului, apoi adaugam untul treptat pana cand este totul incorporat. Framantam bine aluatul apoi ii dam forma de patrat cu latura de 20×20 cm si il invelim in folie alimentara. Lasam la rece timp de 2 ore.

Intre timp pregatim umplutura. Amestecam zaharul cu scortisoara si pastram deoparte 2 lingurite. Peste restul de zahar adaugam untul si fulgii de sare si mixam usor.
Intindem foaia de aluat intr-un dreptunghi de aproximativ 30×40 cm si intindem deasupra crema de scortisoara. Pliem aluatul in 3 parti egale si lasam la rece pentru inca 2 ore.

La expirarea timpului intindem din nou aluatul intr-un dreptunghi cu laturole 30×40 cm. Rulam aluatul pe latura lunga si il lasam la congelator timp de 30 de minute apoi il taiem in 12 felii groase de aproximativ 3 cm pe care le asezam cu taietura in sus intr-o tava unsa in prealabil cu unt si presarata cu putin zahar brun.
Coacem rulorile cu scortisoara in cuptorul incalzit in prealabil la 200 grade Celsius. Dupa primele 20 de minute scoatem tava din cuptor si presaram amestecul pastrat de zahar si scortisoara. Introducem din nou la cuptor pentru inca 10 minute si reducem temperatura la 180 grade Celsius.

Amestecam mierea cu 2 lingurite de apa clocotita. In alt bol amestecam mascarpone, zahar pudra, vanilia si 3 lingurite de apa fierbinte pana obtinem o crema fina, usor fluida.
Scoatem tava din cuptor si ungem rulourile cu siropul de miere. Lasam sa se racoreasca 10 – 15 minute si apoi decoram cu crema de mascarpone.

Servim rulorile cu scortisoara alaturi de o cafea fierbinte.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta Rulouri cu scortisoara, va recomand sa incercati si Stelute festive de Craciun, un Tort de Waffle cu aroma de scortisoara sau cativa Palmieri crocanti.
English version
Cinnamon Rolls
Cinnamon rolls are a holiday treat. Prepare everything the day before and in the morning enjoy for breakfast warm rolls in a caramelized crust flavored with cinnamon and orange. So don’t just wait for a special occasion, treat yourself from time to time with a perfect breakfast.
For the dough, mix sugar, yeast and warm milk in a cup. Put the flour, eggs, salt, sugar, orange zest and milk mixture in the mixing bowl. Knead with the mixer, then add the butter gradually until it is all incorporated. Knead the dough well, then shape it into a square with a side of 20×20 cm and wrap it in food foil. Let it cool for 2 hours.
In the meantime, prepare the filling. Mix the sugar with cinnamon and keep two teaspoons aside. On top of the rest of the sugar, add the butter and salt flakes and mix gently.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle of approximately 30×40 cm and spread the cinnamon cream on top. Fold the dough into 3 equal parts and let it cool for another 2 hours.
When the time is up, roll out the dough again into a rectangle with 30×40 cm sides. Roll the dough on the long side and leave it in the freezer for 30 minutes, then cut it into 12 slices about 3 cm thick, which we place with the cut side up in a tray previously greased with butter and sprinkled with a small quantity of brown sugar.
Bake the cinnamon rolls in the oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius. After the first 20 minutes, remove the tray from the oven and sprinkle the mixture with the reserved sugar and cinnamon. Put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes and reduce the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius.
Mix honey with 2 teaspoons of boiling water. In another bowl, mix mascarpone, powdered sugar, vanilla and 3 teaspoons of hot water until you get a fine, slightly fluid cream.
Remove the tray from the oven and brush the rolls with the honey syrup. Let it cool for 10-15 minutes and then decorate with mascarpone cream.
Serve the cinnamon rolls with a hot coffee.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe Cinnamon Rolls, I recommend you also try festive Christmas Stars, a Waffle Cake with cinnamon flavor or the Crunchy Palmier Cookies.
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