Bine ati venit in lumea magica a panificatiei, unde faina se transforma in arta, iar maslinele danseaza intr-un zorba mediteraneana cu oregano! Chifle cu masline si oregano! Astazi, va voi dezvalui secretul chiflelor care nu doar ca iti vor incanta papilele gustative, dar vor face si vecinii sa bata la usa. Incepem cu o alchimie simpla: faina, apa, drojdie si un strop de zahar, toate adunate ca sa trezeasca la viata aceasta minune culinara. Uleiul de masline, elixirul zeilor, isi face intrarea triumfala, aducand un omagiu gustului autentic. Oregano-ul, acea iarba care aduce aminte de vacantele in Grecia, si maslinele Kalamata, negre ca o noapte fara stele, se alatura petrecerii. Dupa ce aluatul a crescut il modelam cu dragoste si rabdare, ca pe un tablou de Picasso. La final, dupa ce chiflele au prins culoarea aurie a unui apus pe plaja, le servim fierbinti. Asadar, pregatiti-va pentru o aventura culinara care va face istorie in cartea de bucate a familiei!
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
- 400 grame faina
- 25 grame drojdie proaspata
- 1 lingurita zahar
- 220 ml apa
- 30 grame ulei de masline
- 1 lingurita sare
- 1/2 lingurita oregano
- 50 grame masline kalamata
Ungem un bol incapator cu putin ulei de masline si il punem deoparte, apoi incalzim apa intr-un ibric, adaugam drojdia si zaharul si lasam sa dospeasca timp de 5 minute. Amestecam faina, uleiul de masline si sarea si framantam cu un mixer sau manual.
La final, adaugam maslinele feliate si oregano. Framantam pana cand sunt bine incorporate si modelam aluatul intr-o bila. Asezam bila de aluat in bolul uns cu ulei si lasam sa dospeasca timp de o ora.
Dupa o ora, rasturnam aluatul pe un blat infainat si il modelam sub forma unui dreptunghi, apoi il impaturim conform instructiunilor din video. Lasam aluatul sa mai dospeasca sub un prosop pentru inca 30 de minute, apoi il taiem in 8 parti egale.
Modelam fiecare parte sub forma de dreptunghi si rulam spre interior, pliind marginile. Detaliile pot fi urmarite in videoclipul de mai jos. Asezam chiflele intr-o tava, le acoperim cu un prosop si le lasam sa dospeasca inca 30 de minute, apoi le taiem usor pe lungime cu un cutit ascutit. Eu am folosit cel mai bun cutit pentru crestat paine si patiserie de la Platera.
Punem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute.
Servim chiflele cu oregano si masline Kalamata calde, alaturi de o tigaie de ardei copti cu branza feta.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Chifle cu masline si oregano, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Olives and Oregano Buns
Welcome to the magical world of bakery, where flour turns into art, and olives dance in a Mediterranean zorba with oregano! Today, I will reveal the secret of buns that will not only delight your taste buds, but will also make the neighbors knock on the door. We start with a simple alchemy: flour, water, yeast and a drop of sugar, all gathered to bring this culinary miracle to life. Olive oil, the elixir of the gods, makes its triumphant entrance, paying homage to authentic taste. Oregano, that herb that brings to mind vacations in Greece, and Kalamata olives, black as a starless night, join the party. After the dough has risen, we shape it with love and patience, like a Picasso painting. At the end, after the buns have taken on the golden color of a sunset on the beach, we serve them hot. So, get ready for a culinary adventure that will make history in the family cookbook!
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
- 400 grams flour
- 25 grams fresh yeast
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 220 ml water
- 30 grams olive oil
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 50 grams kalamata olives
Grease a large bowl with a little olive oil and set it aside, then heat the water in a kettle, add the yeast and sugar and let it ferment for 5 minutes. Mix the flour, olive oil and salt and knead with a mixer or by hand.
Finally, add the sliced olives and oregano. Knead until they are well incorporated and shape the dough into a ball. Place the ball of dough in the oiled bowl and let it rise for an hour.
After an hour, turn the dough onto a floured surface and shape it into a rectangle, then fold it according to the instructions in the video. Let the dough rest under a towel for another 30 minutes, then cut it into 8 equal parts.
Shape each part in the shape of a rectangle and roll inward, folding the edges. The details can be seen in the video. Place the buns in a tray, cover them with a towel and let them rise for another 30 minutes, then gently cut them lengthwise with a sharp knife. I used the best bread and pastry knife from Platera.
Place the tray in the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
Serve the Olives and Oregano Buns warm, alongside a pan of baked peppers with feta cheese.
If you liked the recipe for Olives and Oregano Buns you may also try Fougasse, Bagels or Mini Baguettes.
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