Smashed Caesar Burger


Daca esti in cautarea unui burger savuros si dietetic, reteta de Smashed Caesar Burger te va cuceri! Inlocuind clasicul chifla cu lipii, acest burger aduna in fiecare muscatura aromele unei combinatii perfecte de pui, bacon afumat, parmezan si un sos cremos Caesar. Ce poate fi mai bun decat un burger care imbina gusturile inconfundabile ale unui Caesar Salad cu savoarea unui burger proaspat si suculent? Iata cum poti prepara acasa un Smashed Caesar Burger perfect, rapid si delicios!

Smashed Caesar Burger

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 3 portii)

  • 500 grame piept de pui
  • 1 lingura sos Worchester
  • 3 lipii
  • 50 grame bacon afumat feliat
  • 30 grame parmezan
  • 1 catel de usturoi
  • Sucul de la 1/2 de lamaie
  • 2 linguri iaurt grecesc
  • 1 lingurita mustar
  • 3 felii Provolone (sau alt cascaval)
  • 50 grame salata romana
  • Sare
  • Piper
Smashed Caesar Burger

Asa cum ne-am obisnuit, alegem o bucata de piept de pui pe care o tocam proaspat, chiar in propria bucatarie. Combinam carnea tocata cu sosul Worcestershire, sare si piper, lasand aromele sa se imprieteneasca timp de cateva ore la frigider.

Intre timp, pregatim sosul: amestecam parmezanul ras cu usturoiul zdrobit, sucul de lamaie, iaurtul grecesc, mustarul si piperul, pana obtinem o textura omogena.

Smashed Caesar Burger

Pentru a construi burgerul, impartim carnea in trei parti egale si o intindem uniform pe fiecare lipie pana in margine. Prajim feliile de bacon intr-o tigaie antiaderenta, pe care le pastram la cald. In aceeasi tigaie, prajim lipiile, asezandu-le cu partea cu carnea in jos, la foc mediu spre mic, timp de 5 minute. Dupa aceea, le intoarcem si punem cate o felie de provolone deasupra fiecarei lipii, lasandu-le pe foc inca 3 minute.

Smashed Caesar Burger

La final, adaugam sosul preparat, salata romana taiata bucatele, feliile de bacon crocante si fasii subtiri de parmezan. Servim acest deliciu cu multa pofta.

Smashed Caesar Burger

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta Smashed Caesar Burger, va invit sa incercati si:

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Mici Wrap
Tantuni Wraps - Turkish Street Food
Tantuni Wraps – Turkish Street Food
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English version

Smashed Caesar Burger

This Smashed Caesar Burger is a game changer! By replacing the classic bun with soft flatbreads, this burger brings together the perfect combination of chicken, smoked bacon, parmesan, and a creamy Caesar dressing in every bite. What could be better than a burger that combines the unmistakable flavors of a Caesar salad with the deliciousness of a fresh, juicy burger? Here’s how to make a perfect Smashed Caesar Burger at home—quickly and deliciously!

INGREDIENTS (for 3 servings)

  • 500g chicken breast
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 3 flatbreads
  • 50g smoked bacon, sliced
  • 30g parmesan
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 3 slices Provolone (or other cheese)
  • 50g Romaine lettuce
  • Salt
  • Pepper

As usual, we start by choosing a fresh piece of chicken breast and chopping it ourselves, right in our kitchen. We combine the ground meat with Worcestershire sauce, salt, and pepper, allowing the flavors to mingle in the fridge for a few hours.

Meanwhile, we prepare the sauce: mix the grated parmesan with crushed garlic, lemon juice, Greek yogurt, mustard, and pepper until we get a smooth, creamy texture.

To assemble the burger, divide the meat into three equal parts and spread it evenly on each flatbread, all the way to the edges. Fry the bacon slices in a non-stick pan and set them aside to keep warm. In the same pan, toast the flatbreads by placing the side with the chicken down, cooking on medium-low heat for 5 minutes. Then, flip them over and place a slice of provolone on each flatbread, cooking for another 3 minutes.

Finally, add the prepared sauce, chopped Romaine lettuce, crispy bacon slices, and thin strips of parmesan. Serve this deliciousness with plenty of appetite.

If you enjoyed the Smashed Caesar Burger recipe, I invite you to also try Minced Meat Rolls Wrap, Tantuni Wraps – Turkish Street Food or a Dark Steak Burger.


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