Tarta cu praz este o reteta clasica din gastronomia franceza potrivita unui pranz, ca antreu sau fel principal lejer. Avand la baza o crusta crocanta si umplutura cu praz, ceapa și branza, aceasta este o tarta vegetariana delicioasa pe care intreaga familie o va adora!

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru aluatul de tarta / For the tart crust
- 180 grame faina / 180 grams flour
- 90 grame unt rece / 90 grams cold butter
- 60 ml apa rece / 60 ml cold water
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 teaspoon salt
Pentru umplutura de praz / For the leek filling
- 2 bucati praz / 2 leeks
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 25 grame unt / 25 grams butter
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 1 lingura sare / 1 tablespoon salt
- 1/2 lingurita piper / 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 35 grame branza Gruyere rasa / 35 grams grated Gruyere cheese

Pentru aluatul de tarta, mixam toate ingredientele cu ajutorul unui robot de bucatarie. Formam o bila pe care o invelim in folie alimentara si o lasam la rece timp de o ora.
Intre timp pregatim umplutura. Incingem uleiul de masline si untul intr-o tigaie. Adaugam prazul si ceapa taiate rondele si usturoiul zdrobit grosier. Presaram sare si piper si lasam sa se caleasca la foc mic timp de 5 minute, amestecand constant, apoi lasam compozitia la racit.
Intr-un bol amestecam ouale cu sare si smantana. Adaugam amestecul de praz rece si branza.

Intindem aluatul de tarta intr-o forma si il intepam din loc in loc cu o furculita. Il mai lasam la rece timp de 30 de minute, apoi il acoperim cu o hartie copt si boabe de fasole si il coacem timp de 10 minute la 180 grade Celsius. Indepartam hartia de copt si boabele de fasole si turnam umplutura de praz. Coacem la aceeasi temperatura timp de 35 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.

Servim tarta calda ca aperitiv sau ca fel principal.

Daca v-a placut reteta de tarta cu praz, va invit sa incercati si o Tarta cu feta si smochine, o Tarta cu carne si ciuperci sau o Placinta cu branza sarata.
English version
Leek Tart
Leek tart is a classic recipe from French gastronomy suitable for a lunch, as an appetizer or main course. Based on a crispy crust and filled with leeks, onions and cheese, this is a delicious vegetarian tart that the whole family will love!
For the tart crust, mix all the ingredients with the help of a food processor. Form a ball and wrap in cling film and leave it to cool for an hour.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Heat the olive oil and butter in a pan. Add the sliced leeks and onions and the coarsely crushed garlic. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and let it simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, then let the composition cool.
In a bowl mix eggs with salt and double cream. Add the mixture of cold leek fillings and cheese.
Spread the tart dough in a form and prick it from place to place with a fork. Let it cool for another 30 minutes, then cover it with baking paper and beans and bake it for 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Remove the baking paper and beans and pour the leek filling. Bake at the same temperature for 35 minutes until nicely browned.
Serve the tart warm as an appetizer or as a main course.
If you liked the Leek Tart recipe, we invite you to try a Tart with feta and figs, a Tart with meat and mushrooms or a Pie with salted cheese.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
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- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
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