Sunt multe locuri faine in Bucuresti, cele mai multe dintre ele nemaiavand nevoie de niciun fel de prezentare si/sau promovare. Insa intr-una din deplasarile recente in Capitala, am descoperit o locatie care m-a impresionat atat de tare, incat nu m-am putut abtine sa nu fac cateva poze si sa astern pe blog cateva randuri… Asadar, la categoria „Unde mancam in … Bucuresti” m-am oprit in acest articol la Biutiful Downtown.
Biutiful Downtown este o renastere a primului restaurant, care a functionat in Centrul Vechi cu ani in urma si care a ramas in sufletele multor clienti. Marturisesc ca nu am apucat sa vizitez acea locatie, insa aceasta m-a impresionat teribil! Interiorul m-a dus cu gandul la cele mai dragute pub-uri din afara tarii iar terasa este o oaza de verdeata si bun-gust.
Oamenii care cunosc primul Biutiful, vor gasi in Timpuri Noi celebrele rezervoare de bere, acele canapele confortabile Chesterfield, vechii lor prieteni, renul si iepurele.
La Biutiful Downtown, cultura pub-ului a fost reinterpretata intr-o nota contemporana, imbinand traditionalul cu modernul, obiectele de serie cu obiecte greu de gasit! O surpriza placuta, chiar si pentru cunoscatori.
Am incercat Calamari crocanti serviti cu lamaie, sare Maldon si ardei iute, Piept de curcan marinat cu verdeturi servit cu Tzatziki din iaurt grecesc si Zucchini la gratar cu ulei de masline si busuioc – un preparat pe cat de simplu, pe atat de gustos, insa mai ales inspirat prezentat.
Placerea vinovata a zilei a constituit-o desertul Mitzu – o bezea crocanta cu nuca umpluta cu crema de vanilie pe care l-am asezonat cu un Ginger Byzantine – o nebunie de Cocktail cu gin, fructul pasiunii si ananas pe care n-ai cum sa-l ratezi, mai ales daca esti fan al bauturii celor de la Tanquray. Pe acesta si pe inca vreo alte cinci din meniul de bauturi.
Si pentru ca tot mi-au ramas lucruri de bifat din meniu, ard de nerabdare sa revin la Biutiful Downtown si poate ca si in celelalte locatii ale lor.
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Where to eat in Bucharest … Biutiful Downtown
There are many cool places in Bucharest, most of them not needing any kind of presentation and/or promotion. But during one of my recent trips to the capital, I discovered a location that impressed me so much that I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures and posting them on the blog a few times… So, in the „Where to eat” category in … Bucharest” I stopped in this article at Biutiful Downtown.
Biutiful Downtown is a revival of the first restaurant, which operated in the Old Center years ago and which remained in the hearts of many customers. I admit that I didn’t get to visit that location, but it impressed me terribly! The interior made me think of the nicest pubs outside the country and the terrace is an oasis of greenery and good taste.
People who know Biutiful first, will find in New Times the famous beer tanks, those comfortable Chesterfield sofas, their old friends, the reindeer and the rabbit.
At Biutiful Downtown, the pub culture has been reinterpreted in a contemporary note, combining the traditional with the modern, serial items with hard-to-find items! A pleasant surprise, even for connoisseurs.
I tried crispy calamari served with lemon, Maldon salt and hot peppers, marinated turkey breast with greens served with Tzatziki from Greek yogurt and grilled zucchini with olive oil and basil – a dish as simple as it is tasty, but especially inspired presented.
The guilty pleasure of the day was the Mitzu dessert – a crunchy walnut meringue filled with vanilla cream that I seasoned with a Ginger Byzantine – a crazy Cocktail with gin, passion fruit and pineapple that you cannot You miss it, especially if you are a fan of the drink from Tanquray. This and about five others from the drinks menu.
And because I still have things left to tick off the menu, I can’t wait to return to Biutiful Downtown and maybe to their other locations as well.
If you liked the article Where we eat in… Bucharest, I invite you to eat at Le Premier Constanta, Atra Doftana or Nativ Cluj – Napoca.
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