Waffle pufoase cu lapte batut


Waffle sunt o afacere serioasa in bucataria mea si asta deoarece noi suntem mari iubitori de mic dejun, iar recent mi-am pus ambitia cu clasicele waffle pufoase cu lapte batut. Putina faina, oua, lapte batut si iata cea mai usoara si cea mai buna reteta de waffle. Aurii si crocante la exterior, moi la mijloc, cu o aroma bogata de unt si vanilie, aceste waffle mai cer doar cateva fructe si putin sirop de artar. Singura lor problema este ca se dispar prea repede de pe masa.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 280 grame faina / 280 grams flour
  • 2 linguri zahar / 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 lingurite praf de copt / 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 lingurita bicarbonat / 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie / 2 teaspoons vanilla flavour
  • 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 500 ml lapte batut / 500 ml buttermilk
  • 50 grame unt topit / 50 grams melted butter
  • 2 oua / 2 eggs

Intr-un bol amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina, zaharul, praful de copt, bicarbonatul de sodiu si sarea. Adaugam apoi laptele batut, ouale si esenta de vanilie. Mixam bine pana obtinem un aluat omogen. La sfarsit adaugam untul topit si mai mixam pana cand este incorporat.

Incingem aparatul de waffle si il ungem cu foarte putin unt topit. Prajim pe rand waffle pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.

Le scoatem intai pe un gratar metalic pentru a se racori usor, apoi le putem muta pe un platou.

Servim waffle cu fructe, crema de ciocolata, frisca, miere sau sirop de artar, dupa plac.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Waffle pufoase cu lapte batut, va invit sa incercati si:

Fruity Bubble Waffle
Waffle cu Carpaccio de ananas
Crêpes Suzette

English version

Buttermilk Waffle

Waffles are a serious business in my kitchen, and this is because we are big breakfast lovers, and recently I set my sights on the classic fluffy waffles with buttermilk. Flour, eggs, buttermilk and here is the easiest and best waffle recipe. Golden and crispy on the outside, soft in the middle, with a rich aroma of butter and vanilla, these waffles only need a few fruits and a little maple syrup. Their only problem is that they disappear from the table too quickly.

In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, sodium bicarbonate and salt. Then add the buttermilk, eggs and vanilla essence. Mix well until we get a homogeneous dough. At the end, add the melted butter and mix until it is incorporated.

Heat up the waffle maker and grease it with a small quantity of melted butter. Fry the waffles one by one until they are nicely browned.

First take them out on a metal grill to cool slightly, then you can move them to the serving plate.

Serve waffles with fruit, chocolate cream, whipped cream, honey or maple syrup, as you like.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the recipe for fluffy waffles with whipped milk, I invite you to try: Waffle cu Carpaccio de ananas, Fruity Bubble Waffle or Crêpes Suzette.


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