Astazi incercam pentru masa de pranz un cotlet de porc cu piure de cartofi mov si brocollini. Cotletul nu este printre mancarurile mele preferate insa gatit in acest fel este foarte gustos si chiar merita sa ii dati o sansa. Prajit usor intr-un amestec de unt aromat si desavarsit la cuptor, servit cu un piure de cartofi mov si broccolini reprezinta combinatia ideala pentru o masa in mijlocul familiei.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
Pentru friptura:
- 800 grame cotlet de porc
- 1 lingurita cimbru
- 2 -3 fire de cimbru proaspat
- 80 grame unt
- 1 lingura ulei
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 1 lingurita pasta chilli
- Sare
- Piper
Pentru garnitura:
- 1 kg cartofi mov
- 350 ml lapte
- 60 grame unt
- 250 grame broccolini
- Sare
Taiem cotletul de porc in felii groase de aproximativ 1,5 cm. Le presaram cu sare, piper si cimbru. Lasam carnea la temperatura camerei pentru o ora, apoi punem intr-o tigaie incinsa uleiul de masline amestecat cu pasta de chilli si usturoiul zdrobit.
Adaugam feliile de carne si le prajim pe ambele parti timp de 2-3 minute pana cand sunt usor rumenite. Adaugam cate un cubulet mic de unt peste fiecare felie de carne si crengutele de cimbru.
Introducem in cuptorul incins la 200 grade si lasam timp de 4 -5 minute. Cand cotletele sunt gata le scoatem pe o farfurie si le lasam la odihnit timp de 15 minute acoperite cu folie de aluminiu.
Intre timp pregatim piureul de cartofi. Eu am ales sa il pregatesc la Thermomix si am taiat cartofii in felii subtiri pe care le-am fiert cu lapte si sare. La sfarsit am mixat adaugand 30 grame de unt. Insa puteti pregati piureul folosind si aceasta reteta.
Pentru broccolini am fiert legumele la abur timp de 15 minute, apoi am incins o tigaie si am adaugat untul. Cand acesta s-a topit adaugam broccolini si sare si calim timp de 2 minute pe fiecare parte.
Servim cotletele de porc alaturi de piureul de cartofi si sote-ul de broccolini.
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English version
Pork Cutlet with Mashed Purple Potatoes and Broccolini
Today we are trying a pork cutlet with mashed purple potatoes and broccolini for lunch. The cutlet is not among my favorite foods, but cooked this way it is very tasty and really worth giving it a chance. Lightly fried in a mixture of aromatic butter and perfected in the oven, served with a mash of purple potatoes and broccolini is the ideal combination for a meal in the middle of the family.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
For the steak:
- 800 grams of pork chop
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 2 -3 sprigs of fresh thyme
- 80 grams of butter
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 1 teaspoon chili paste
For the garnish:
- 1 kg purple potatoes
- 350 ml of milk
- 60 grams of butter
- 250 grams of broccolini
- Salt
Cut the pork cutlet into slices about 1.5 cm thick. Sprinkle them with salt, pepper and thyme. Leave the meat at room temperature for an hour, then put olive oil mixed with chili paste and crushed garlic in a hot pan.
Add the meat slices and fry them on both sides for 2-3 minutes until they are lightly browned. Add a small slice of butter over each slice of meat and the sprigs of thyme.
Place in the oven heated to 200 degrees and leave for 4-5 minutes. When the chops are ready, remove them to a plate and let them rest for 15 minutes, covered with aluminum foil.
In the meantime, prepare the mashed potatoes. I chose to prepare it in the Thermomix and cut the potatoes into thin slices that I boiled with milk and salt. At the end, I mixed by adding 30 grams of butter. But you can also prepare the puree using this recipe.
For the broccolini, I steamed the vegetables for 15 minutes, then heated a pan and added the butter. When it has melted, add broccolini and salt and cook for 2 minutes on each side.
Serve the pork chops with mashed potatoes and sauteed broccolini.
If you liked the recipe for pork cutlet with mashed purple potatoes and broccolini, I invite you to try Veal short ribs with baked garlic and wine sauce, Baked Chicken Breast with Mashed Potatoes or Oxtail Stew.
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