Delicioso Pulpo a la parrilla sau cum sa faci acasa cea mai gustoasa caracatita la gratar. Astazi vreau sa va impartasesc reteta bucatariei “Inspiratie la Fix” de caracatita la gratar. Chiar daca obisnuiti sa o mancati doar atunci cand mergeti la restaurante si credeti ca nu puteti realiza ceva asemanator acasa, nu renuntati. Puteti alege o caracatita proaspata, dar la fel de bine puteti alege una prefiarta. Este de asemenea, obligatoriu sa folosim un ulei de masline de calitate si un gratar foarte bun. Eu recomand un gratar de fonta, care imbunatateste aroma fiecarui produs care se pregateste pe el. Astazi am ales sa folosesc o garnitura de sezon, sparanghel proaspat si rosii aromate cu usturoi si ardei iute.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru caracatita / For the octopus:
- 4 tentacule de caracatita / 4 octopus tentacles
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Pentru garnitura / For the side dishes:
- 200 grame sparanghel fara capetele lemnoase / 200 grams asparagus without the woody ends
- 1 ceapa mica / 1 onion
- 2 linguri capere / 2 tablespoons capers
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 40 grame unt / 40 grams butter
- 30 ml suc de lamaie / 30 ml lemon juice
- 4 rosii / 4 tomatoes
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1 ardei iute / 1 hot pepper
Taiem marunt ceapa, caperele si usturoiul. Incalzim untul intr-o tigaie si sotam la foc mic, timp de 3 minute. Adaugam sucul de lamaie si mai gatim inca 2 – 3 minute.
In vasul unui aparat de gatit la abur adaugam o hartie de copt peste care punem sparanghelul. Turnam deasupra sosul de lamaie si gatim la abur timp de 10 minute. Dupa gatire, punem sosul intr-un bol si asezam sparanghelul pe un platou de servire.
Intre timp, pregatim rosiile pe care le taiem in bucati mari, adaugam usturoiul zdrobit si ardeiul iute taiat felii subtiri.
Incingem gratarul de fonta foarte bine, presaram caracatita cu sare si o masam cu ulei de masline. Prajim caracatita cate 5 – 7 minute pe fiecare parte, in functie de cat de groase sunt tentaculele, pana cand sunt usor rumenite.
Asezam caracatita pe patul de sparanghel, adaugam rosiile marinate si servim cu multa pofta alaturi de sosul de lamaie si capere.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut Delicioso Pulpo a la parrilla, va recomand sa incercati si Caracatita la gratar cu linte verde si sos Romesco, Caracatita la gratar cu hummus si sos Meunier sau o Pulpo a la plancha.
English version
Delicioso Pulpo a la parrilla
Delicioso Pulpo a la parrilla or how to make the tastiest grilled octopus at home. Today we want to share our grilled octopus recipe. Even if you only eat it when you go to restaurants and think you can’t make something similar at home, don’t give up. You can choose a fresh octopus, but you can just as well choose a pre-cooked one. It is also mandatory to use a quality olive oil and a very good grill. I recommend a cast iron grill, which improves the flavor of every product that is prepared on it. Today I chose to use a seasonal side dish, fresh asparagus and tomatoes flavored with garlic and hot peppers.
Finely chop the onion, capers and garlic. Heat the butter in a pan and saute on low heat for 3 minutes. Add the lemon juice and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
In the bowl of a steamer, add a baking paper and the asparagus. Pour the lemon sauce on top and steam for 10 minutes. Keep the sauce in a bowl and place the asparagus on a serving plate.
In the meantime, prepare the tomatoes. Cut into large pieces, add the crushed garlic and the hot pepper cut into thin slices.
Heat the cast iron grill very well, sprinkle the octopus with salt and massage it with olive oil. Fry the octopus for 5-7 minutes on each side, depending on how thick the tentacles are.
Place the octopus on top the of asparagus, add the marinated tomatoes and serve with great appetite with the lemon and caper sauce.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked Pulpo a la parrilla, I recommend you also try Grilled Octopus with green lentils and Romesco sauce, Grilled Octopus with hummus and Meunier sauce or a Pulpo a la plancha.
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