Cu siguranta tuturor ne plac clasicele oua Benedict cu bacon si sos hollandaise. Dar ce ne facem cand dorim sa ne bucuram de placerea unui astfel de mic dejun, dar in acelasi timp dorim sa fie intr-o varianta mai dietetica? … Reinterpretam putin reteta si incercam Light Eggs Benedict.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 4 felii de paine integrala / 4 slices wholemeal bread
- 100 grame sunca de pui / 100 grams chicken ham
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 100 grame iaurt grecesc 2% / 100 grams greek yogurt 2% fat
- Sucul de la 1/2 lime / Juice from 1/2 lime
- 50 ml apa minerala / 50 ml sparkling water
- Sare / Salt
- Ceapa verde / Scallions
- Valeriana / Lamb lettuce
Pentru sos amestecam in vasul blenderului avocado, iaurt, sare si suc de lime. Mixam bine si adaugam treptat apa minerala pana obtinem un sos cremos. Adaugati apa treptat si verificati constant consistenta sosului. Cantitatea de apa poate sa difere in functie de consistenta dorita, precum si de calitatea celorlalte ingrediente. Mie imi place sa folosesc iaurtul grecesc de la Olympus, care desi are grasime 2%, este foarte cremos.
Prajim painea si asezam pe farfurii cate 2 felii pe care le acoperim cu valeriana si felii de sunca de pui. Noua ne-a placut foarte mult rulada de pui de la Matache Macelaru.
Pentru ouale posate, am ales o varianta de gatire mai rapida si fara a murdari multe vase. ☺️ Avem nevoie de doar 2 boluri Ramekin in care adaugam putina apa si cate un ou in fiecare vas. Cu ajutorul unei scobitori intepam usor galbenusul de ou in 3 locuri diferite. Introducem vasele in cuptorul cu microunde si gatim intre 40 si 60 de secunde in functie de cat de gatit va place galbenusul.
Adaugam pe fiecare felie de paine cate un ou, sos de avocado si ceapa verde taiata marunt.
Servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un fresh de portocale si o cafea buna.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta Light Eggs Benedict, va recomand sa incercati si un Morning Burger, un Fancy Breakfast sau un Mic Dejun Mexican.
English version
Light Eggs Benedict
I am sure that everyone love the classic eggs benedict with bacon and hollandaise sauce. But what do we do when we want to enjoy the pleasure of this breakfast, but at the same time we want it to be in a more dietary version? … we reinterpret the recipe a little and try Light Eggs Benedict.
For the sauce, mix avocado, yogurt, salt and lime juice in the blender bowl. Mix well and gradually add mineral water until you get a creamy sauce. Add water gradually and constantly check the consistency of the sauce. The amount of water may differ depending on the desired consistency, as well as the quality of the other ingredients. I like to use Greek yogurt from Olympus, which, although it has 2% fat, is very creamy.
Toast the bread and place 2 slices on the plates and cover with lamb lettuce and slices of chicken ham. We really liked the chicken roll from Matache Macelaru.
For poached eggs, I chose a faster cooking option and without dirtying many dishes. ☺️ We only need 2 Ramekin bowls in which we add a little water and an egg in each bowl. Using a toothpick, gently prick the egg yolk in 3 different places. Place the dishes in the microwave oven and cook for 40 to 60 seconds, depending on how well you like the yolk.
Add an egg, avocado sauce and finely chopped green onion to each slice of bread.
Serve with great appetite with a fresh orange and a good coffee.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Light Eggs Benedict recipe, I recommend you also try a Morning Burger, a Fancy Breakfast or a Mexican Breakfast.
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