The Ultimate Mezze Platter


Luam o mica pauza de la clasicele platouri de branzeturi si lasam sa straluceasca The Ultimate Mezze Platter. Acest platou colorat este incarcat cu sosuri mediteraneene, legume proaspete, masline si lipii pentru un pranz delicios.

Baba Ganoush cu zucchini, salata Tabouleh, Muhammara servite alaturi de Hummus, Labneh, Falafel, Dolma cu orez si legume proaspete.

The Ultimate Mezze Platter


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

Baba Ganoush cu zucchini

  • 1 zucchini / 1 zucchini
  • 1 lingurita tahini / 1 teaspoon tahini
  • 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
  • Sare / Salt
  • 50 grame feta / 50 grams feta
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
The Ultimate Mezze Platter

De regula aceasta reteta se face cu vinete, insa astazi incercam o alta varianta pe baza de zucchini. Si pot sa va spun ca este extrem de buna si aceasta varianta.

Spalam bine dovlecelul si il coacem in cuptor. Il lasam putin la racit, apoi indepartam coaja si il lasam la scurs intr-o sita. Dupa ce s-a scurs, il tocam marunt cu ajutorul unui cutit, adaugam tahini, usturoi zdrobit, sare, ulei de masline si sucul de lamaie.

Amestecam si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.

Pentru servire, presaram deasupra branza feta si patrunjelul verde.

Salata Tabouleh

  • 40 grame cus-cus / 40 grams couscous
  • 4 fire ceapa verde / 4 pieces green onion
  • 1 castravete / 1 cucumber
  • 1 rosie / 1 tomato
  • 1 legatura patrunjel verde / 1 bunch parsley
  • 1/2 legatura menta / 1/2 bunch of mint
  • 2 linguri ulei masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 lingurita suc de lamaie / 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 lingurita sumak / 1/2 teaspoon sumak
  • 1/2 lingurita za’atar / 1/2 teaspoon za’atar
  • Sare /Salt
The Ultimate Mezze Platter

In mod traditional, aceasta salata se pregateste cu bulgur. Eu am ales sa folosesc de aceasta data, cus-cus, pe care il pregatim conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj.

Intre timp, taiem marunt castravetele, rosia, ceapa verde, patrunjelul si menta. Amestecam legumele cu sucul de lamaie, uleiul de masline, cus-cus-ul rece si restul condimentelor.

Pastram salata la rece pana in momentul servirii.


  • 2 ardei kapia copti / 2 baked red peppers
  • 2 linguri crutoane de paine integrala / 2 tablespoons wholemeal cruttons
  • 1/4 lingurita chimen / 1/4 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 linguri melasa de rodie / 2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
  • 1 lingurita fulgi de chilli / 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
  • 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
  • 4 linguri nuci / 4 tablespoons walnuts
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Sare / Salt
The Ultimate Mezze Platter

Muhammara este un aperitiv extrem de gustos pe baza de ardei copti, un amestec dulce – sarat, usor afumat care va incanta pe oricine.

Metoda de preparare este extrem de simpla. In vasul blenderului mixam toate ingredientele pana obtinem o crema fina.

The Ultimate Mezze Platter

Daca v-a placut The Ultimate Mezze Platter, va invit sa incercati si Lebanese Mezze, Vinete cu sos harissa si crema de feta sau Zaalouk – Vinete marocane.

English version

The Ultimate Mezze Platter

We take a little break from the classic cheese platters and let The Ultimate Mezze Platter shine. This colorful plate is loaded with Mediterranean sauces, fresh vegetables, olives and pita bread for a delicious lunch.

Baba Ganoush with zucchini, Tabouleh salad, Muhammara served with Hummus, Labneh, Falafel, Dolma with rice and fresh vegetables.

Baba Ganoush cu zucchini

Usually, this recipe is made with eggplant, but today we are trying another version based on zucchini. And I can tell you that this version is also extremely good.

Wash the zucchini well and bake it in the oven. Let it cool a little, then remove the skin and let it drain in a sieve. After it has drained, chop it finely with a knife, add tahini, crushed garlic, salt, olive oil and lemon juice.

Mix and refrigerate until serving. To serve, sprinkle feta cheese and green parsley on top.

Salata Tabouleh

Traditionally, this salad is prepared with bulgur. This time I chose to use couscous, which we prepare according to the instructions on the package.

Meanwhile, finely chop the cucumber, tomato, green onion, parsley and mint. Mix the vegetables with the lemon juice, olive oil, cold couscous and the rest of the spices.

Keep the salad cold until serving.


Muhammara is an extremely tasty appetizer based on baked peppers, a sweet-salty, slightly smoked mixture that will delight anyone.

The preparation method is extremely simple. In the bowl of the blender, mix all the ingredients until you get a fine cream.

If you liked The Ultimate Mezze Platter, I invite you to try Lebanese Mezze, Eggplant with harissa sauce and feta cream or Zaalouk – Moroccan Eggplant.


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