Best (ever) Bagels este, cred ca, cea mai buna reteta de covrigi pentru un brunch de senzatie. Executati in casa, acesti bagels sunt perfecti: un exterior stralucitor, un gust usor dulce – sarat si o consistenta crocanta. Daca sunteti in cautarea unui mic dejun de weekend fabulos, aveti nevoie de doar cateva ingrediente de baza si putina rabdare pentru a vedea acesti covrigi minunati crescand sub ochii vostri.
(pentru 8 bucati / for 8 servings)
- 540 grame faina / 540 grams flour
- 320 ml apa calda / 320 ml warm water
- 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
- 30 grame drojdie proaspata / 30 grams fresh yeast
- 2 lingurite sare / 2 teaspoons salt
- 2 lingurite bicarbonat / 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1 albus de ou / 1 egg white
- Seminte de susan / Sesame seeds
Pregatim un aluat simplu. Intr-un pahar punem apa calda, mierea si drojdia. Lasam 10 minute la caldura si apoi rasturnam intr-un bol peste faina amestecata cu sarea. Framantam timp de 10 minute si lasam la dospit intr-un loc cald timp de o ora.
Rasturnam aluatul pe un blat infainat si il impartim in 8 parti egale, pe care le modelam sub forma de sfere. Le lasam la dospit acoperite cu un prosop timp de 30 de minute. Apoi formam covrigi, prin presare usoara si decuparea mijlocului. Mai lasam la dospit timp de 30 de minute.
Din categoria “Amazon Findings” 😊, pentru formarea covrigilor eu am folosit forme de silicon speciale pentru bagels.
Fierbem apa intr-o oala mai larga si adaugam 1 lingurita de sare si 2 lingurite de bicarbonat. Cand apa clocoteste, punem covrigii, pe rand, cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte, ii scurgem bine si ii punem in tava de copt.
Ii ungem cu albus de ou, ii presaram cu seminte de susan si ii coacem la 220 grade Celsius pentru 15 – 20 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumeniti.
Ii lasam la racit si ii servim dupa plac. Noi am ales sa ii umplem cu avocado, prosciutto, scramble eggs si ceapa verde, dar la fel de buni sunt serviti simplu cu unt.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-au placut Best (ever) Bagels, va recomand sa incercati si reteta de bagels cu oua, bagels cu somon afumat si labneh sau bagels cu prosciutto crudo si melone.
English version
Best (ever) Bagels
Best (ever) Bagels is, I think, the best bagel recipe for a sensational brunch. Made at home, these bagels are perfect: a shiny exterior, a slightly sweet-salty taste and a crunchy consistency. If you are looking for a fabulous weekend breakfast, you only need a few basic ingredients and a little patience to see these wonderful bagels growing under your eyes.
Prepare a simple dough. Put warm water, honey and yeast in a glass. Let it rest for 10 minutes and then turn it over the flour mixed with salt in a bowl. Knead for 10 minutes and leave to rest in a warm place for an hour.
Turn the dough onto a floured surface, divide it into 8 equal parts and shape it into spheres. Leave them to rise covered with a towel for 30 minutes. Then form pretzels, by pressing lightly and cutting out the middle. Leave to rest for another 30 minutes.
From the „Amazon Findings” category 😊, to form the bagels I used special silicone molds for bagels.
Boil water in a larger pot and add 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Boil the bagels, for 2 minutes on each side, drain them well and put them in the baking tray.
Brush them with egg white, sprinkle them with sesame seeds and bake them at 220 degrees Celsius for 15 – 20 minutes until they are nicely browned.
Let them cool and serve them as you like. Chose to fill them with avocado, prosciutto, scrambled eggs and green onions, but they are just as good served plain with butter.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked Best (ever) Bagels, I recommend you also try the recipe for eggs bagels, bagels with smoked salmon and labneh or bagels with prosciutto crudo and melon.
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