Trio Fajitas


Trio Fajitas sau cum sa faci cel mai gustos fajitas cu friptura de vita, pui si creveti. Secretul unui Fajitas de succes sta in condimentele versatile folosite. Desi pare complicat sa gatesti trei feluri de proteine, va asigur ca este extrem de simplu. Durata de gatire este extrem de scurta, insa este necesar sa acordati timp suficient pentru marinarea carnii, pentru a obtine un gust desavarsit.

Trio Fajitas


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 300 grame antricot de vita / 300 grams rib eye
  • 150 grame pulpe de pui dezosate / 150 grams boneless chicken thighs
  • 150 grame piept de pui / 150 grams chicken breast
  • 150 grame creveti / 150 grams shrimps
  • 2 lingurite chipotle chili pepper / 2 teaspoons chipotle chili pepper
  • 1 lingurita chipotle afumat / 1 teaspoon smokin chipotle
  • 2 lingurite piper cu lamaie / 2 teaspoons lemon pepper
  • 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 3 ardei colorati / 3 peppers
  • 2 cepe rosii / 2 red onions
  • Sare / Salt
Trio Fajitas

Secretul retetei consta in marinarea carnii. Asadar, ne luam timp si marinam carnea in condimente de pe o zi pe alta, minim 8 ore. Presaram carnea de vita si de pui cu toate condimentele si o punem intr-un bol. In alt bol, punem crevetii decorticati si ii pregatim cu acelasi amestec de condimente. Punem totul la rece pana a doua zi.

Cu o ora inainte de preparare scoatem carnea de vita si de pui din frigider. In paralel taiem ardeii si ceapa fasii si le presaram cu acelasi amestec de condimente. Lasam si legumele la marinat timp de o ora.

Trio Fajitas

Incingem grill-ul si prajim carnea de vita, de pui si crevetii. Cand carnea este gata o scoatem intr-o farfurie si o acoperim cu o folie de aluminiu, lasand la odihnit timp de 10 minute. Dupa ce luam carnea de pe gratar adaugam legumele si le pregatim timp de 10 minute amestecand ocazional.

Trio Fajitas

Pe un platou asezam carnea de vita si pui feliata, crevetii si legumele. Servim alaturi de tortilla, smantana, guacamole si picco de gallo.

Trio Fajitas

Servim cu multa pofta alaturi de un pahar de Sonet rose de la Crama Stramutata, un cupaj de o culoare intensa de cirese roz, balantat intre Syrahul cu un buchet bogat in arome de piper si fructe si Feteasca Neagra care evidentiaza arome de fructe de padure, visine, prune uscate, stafide negre, usor condimentat, cu adieri de violete, scortisoara, piper negru boabe, ienibahar sau vanilie. Intens, floral, condimentat, cu un final prelungit, Sonetul 2022 este un vin ce se poate consuma tot timpul anului, temperatura recomandata de servire fiind de 10-12 grade Celsius.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Trio Fajitas

Daca v-a placut Trio Fajitas, va recomand sa incercati si un Fajitas cu pui, un
Barbacoa, guacamole & pico de gallo sau un Tacos Fiesta.

English version

Trio Fajitas

Trio Fajitas or how to make the tastiest fajitas with steak, chicken and shrimp. The secret of a successful Fajitas lies in the seasoned spices used. Although it seems complicated to cook three kinds of proteins, I assure you that it is extremely simple. The cooking time is extremely short, but it is necessary to allow enough time for marinating the meat, in order to obtain a perfect taste.

The secret of the recipe lies in marinating the meat. Therefore, take time and marinate the meat in spices from one day to the next, at least 8 hours. Sprinkle the beef and chicken with all the spices and put it in a bowl. In another bowl, put the shelled shrimps and prepare them with the same mixture of spices. Put everything in the cold until the next day.

One hour before preparation, remove the veal and chicken from the refrigerator. In parallel, cut the peppers and onions into strips and sprinkle them with the same mixture of spices. Leave the vegetables to marinate for an hour. Heat the grill and fry the beef, chicken and shrimp. When the meat is ready, remove it to a plate and cover it with an aluminum foil, leaving it to rest for 10 minutes. After taking the meat off the grill, add the vegetables and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Place the sliced beef and chicken, shrimps and vegetables on a plate. Serve with tortillas, sour cream, guacamole and picco de gallo.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked Trio Fajitas, I recommend you also try a Chicken Fajitas, a Barbacoa, Guacamole & Pico de Gallo or a Tacos Fiesta.


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