Hai sa recunoastem: nu exista nimic in lume atat de incantator ca prima ta muscatura dintr-un burger bogat si suculent! Astazi sarbatorim Ziua Internationala a celebrului burger, cel mai irezistibil dintre sandvisuri. Burgerii au ajuns sa fie din ce in ce mai prezenti la evenimentele noastre. Gratarul este locul in care familiile se aduna, recompensa surpriza pentru copilul tau sau un pranz rapid in pauza de masa. Burgerii nu mai sunt fabricati doar din carne de vita, in prezent putand gasi burgeri de curcan, de pui, de somon, ciuperci sau naut. Cine ar fi crezut ca o masa atat de simpla ar putea ajunge sa reprezinte atatea lucruri?
Evident ca versalitatea acestui sandwich a pusa in valoare si in bucataria „Inspiratie la Fix”. Haideti sa vedem cateva variante.
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English version
Happy Burger Day
Let’s face it; there is nothing in the world as delightful as your first bite of a rich and juicy hamburger. Today we celebrate the National Day of the famous hamburger, the most irresistible of sandwiches. Hamburgers have come to be a symbol of all that is right in the world these days. The barbecue is the place where families gather, the surprise reward for your child or a quick lunch during the meal break. Burgers are no longer made only from beef, nowadays you can find turkey, chicken, salmon, mushroom or chickpea burgers. Who would have thought that such a simple table could end up representing so many things?
It is obvious that the versatility of this sandwich has also enhanced the „Inspiration at Fix” kitchen. Let’s see above some options.
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